Widescreen Gaming Forum

Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning, FoV Fix and Rally for multi screen support
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Author:  helifax [ 09 Feb 2012, 10:10 ]
Post subject:  Hi,I didn't had the time


I didn't had the time last night to finish the fix because the game unlocked at 1am..so I still need sleep;)) At the moment I am at work;)) but this evening in about 9h or so when I arrive home I will release the fix;)) So a little more patience;))

Best Regards,

Author:  Ismelda [ 09 Feb 2012, 10:18 ]
Post subject:  I was not asking for you to

I was not asking for you to fix the game Helifax. It shouldn't be third party who have to fix issues with game released. But sadly multi monitors is only a niche it seems.

Author:  Dredknot [ 09 Feb 2012, 11:04 ]
Post subject:  awesome man cant wait. If it

awesome man cant wait. If it wasnt for people like you my monstrous rig would go to waste lol

Author:  Toothless Spoon [ 09 Feb 2012, 11:08 ]
Post subject:  helifax wrote:Hi,I didn't


I didn't had the time last night to finish the fix because the game unlocked at 1am..so I still need sleep;)) At the moment I am at work;)) but this evening in about 9h or so when I arrive home I will release the fix;)) So a little more patience;))

Best Regards,

Helifax this is your job!! :P Jokes, it should be though. You, Hayden and anyone with skills should approach Nvidia and AMD and say pay us money and we'll fix these games to have multi-mon support.

Author:  helifax [ 09 Feb 2012, 19:53 ]
Post subject:  Hi!Started working on a


Started working on a fix!

So far I managed to fix ingame FOV: both for normal playing and zoomed playing. They did modified a bit how the fov is calculated but nothing major.
Next I will try to fix the cutscenes and the menus-> Starting with cutscenes.

Keep you posted

Author:  valcan_s [ 09 Feb 2012, 20:38 ]
Post subject:  helifax wrote:Hi!Started


Started working on a fix!

So far I managed to fix ingame FOV: both for normal playing and zoomed playing. They did modified a bit how the fov is calculated but nothing major.
Next I will try to fix the cutscenes and the menus-> Starting with cutscenes.

Keep you posted

Right on helifax good stuff, can not wait to use your fix, awesome.

Author:  helifax [ 09 Feb 2012, 22:29 ]
Post subject:  Hi!Started working on a

Started working on a fix!
Managed to fix so far

- Fov for gameplay (both normal and the zoom one)
- Fov for all rendered cutscenes (bottom excessive black bar still is there except for conversations)
- Item scale in inventory (like character size)

Not fixed

- Menus (Only Quests Menu proves to be broken)
- obvious black bar thingy in cutscene
- FMVs still are zoomed and Vert -

Keep you posted

Author:  Pittyh [ 09 Feb 2012, 23:28 ]
Post subject:  go you good thing !!

go you good thing !!

Author:  evilmatt [ 09 Feb 2012, 23:49 ]
Post subject:  Great stuff helifax

Great stuff helifax :)

Author:  helifax [ 10 Feb 2012, 01:35 ]
Post subject:  Hurray!!!!

Pa da bim Pa da bum...fix is here!!

OK! I can say I managed to pin point all the problems. I hope I managed to make it in a reasonable time ;))

Fixed in this release
- Fov for gameplay (both normal and the zoom one)
- Fov for all rendered cutscenes (bottom excessive black bar still is there except for conversations)
- Item scale in inventory (like character size)

Not fixed
- Menus (Only Quests Menu proves to be broken)
- obvious black bar thingy in cutscenes.
- FMVs still are zoomed and Vert -
- Improve the 3D Vision Ready-ness of the game;))

Recommended options & How To:

- Download this little file and put it in the "Plugins" folder of WideScreen Fixer: https://www.widescreenfixer.org/
- Start Widescreen Fixer, select the game and press the little COG (gear icon)
- Set your FOV and resolution (with bezel correction if you have)
- Press Save Settings and close the Window
- Start the GAME
- When you reach the Main Menu press the toggle to activate the fix (it will not work properly if you are in-game or it will behave erratically)
- Play the game and Enjoy a 90% Eyefinity/Surround Ready Game :)) !!

- As Quest menu is not working I highly recommend to use a WIDTH resolution LOWER than 4096 Then the QUEST Menu will be there. I didn't had the time to also fix this but at least I discovered (2 mins) ago where the problem lies. I will update it in the coming days.
- If the fov doesn't suit you: disable the fix, set your new fov in WSF, go back to game, enable the fix and press the ZOOM in button so the new fov is taken into consideration (On xbox controller is pressing the right analog handle / don't know for mouse).
- If the fix doesn't work from the 1st try restart the game and WideScreen Fixer and setup your configuration again
- I tested it only on 3x1L but I believe it will also work on 3x1P with a lower Fov setting.

Enjoy!! (and if you feel generous the link is down there :)))))))) )

Best Regards,

EDIT: DISABLE STEAM UPDATES! A new version has just been pushed and breaks the fix!! ;)) Will update it in the following days

Attached files Plugin.Kingdoms of Amalure Reckoning.rar (11.1 KB)

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