Widescreen Gaming Forum

painkiller issue
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Author:  mieni [ 25 Nov 2004, 13:34 ]
Post subject:  painkiller issue

Hi guys,
I have a problem playing Painkiller. its not widescreen issue but i suppose somebody should have answer for that also.
I play it on i8600 1.5-M, 512 DDR, 128 Ati 9600 Radeon, 15.4+, 1024/768, all video options on/high, fps 20-30...
The game is running perfectly, and thats the problem. It is so smooth that my hitman and monsters move incredibly fast and game become like forwarded movie on x2 speed. I cant aim well, can't jump accurately... its kinda frustrating... and very hard to play.
Does some1 have a solution for that weird mod?
I haven't touched anything special as game options.
Please some help

Author:  Paradigm Shifter [ 25 Nov 2004, 15:16 ]
Post subject:  painkiller issue

Uinstall the game, and before you reinstall it, make sure that you've set the powersaving options of the laptop to 'always on' (or turn off speedstep)

It's a problem with Intel's Speedstep, well, not really a problem so much as a feature, actually. When non-CPU intensive tasks are occurring, the CPU is underclocked (the P-M has two speeds: it's maximum, in your case 1.5GHz, and a 'speedstepped' speed: 600MHz for powersaving.)

When you install the game, it's not CPU intensive. So it thinks the CPU is such-and-such a speed (600MHz). When it comes to play, the CPU increases it's speed because it is intensive (to 1500MHz), and everything goes at warpspeed because of it. :)

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