Widescreen Gaming Forum

Serious Sam 2 Demo - Sam is Back!
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Author:  skipclarke [ 21 Sep 2005, 20:19 ]
Post subject:  Serious Sam 2 Demo - Sam is Back!

I'm playing the Serious Sam 2 demo to right now - two thumbs up for this one, it was definitely worth the wait. The demo level is a riot - literally - it reminds me of a cartoonish version of Coruscant. :D

I let the game auto-detect my settings, and am currently playing at 1280x960. There is a widescreen option, but it makes the game go windowed.

Edit update: I think the widescreen options are working now. There are resolutions for 20 inch widescreens (i.e. 1680x1050) all the way up to 24" (1920x1200) displays.[/b]

Author:  herman368 [ 21 Sep 2005, 20:46 ]
Post subject:  Serious Sam 2 Demo - Sam is Back!

I cant get it to work at 1680x1050 it doesnt fit the screen (black bars left and right). When I select widescreen to on I think it does 16:9 so it has black bars top and bottom.

Author:  skipclarke [ 21 Sep 2005, 20:59 ]
Post subject:  Serious Sam 2 Demo - Sam is Back!

Ah, I think I spoke to soon.

I tested it first on 1680x1050 and noticed them. I then tried it on my monitor's native resolution (1920x1200) and still get those black bars. Odd huh?

I notice there are two options in the video menu, Widescreen and Fullscreen.

If I choose "Yes" in widescreen and "Yes" in fullscreen then the menu stretches to that aspect, but in-game gives me those black bars. If I choose "Yes" in widescreen but "No" in fullscreen the game goes into windowed mode, and then crashes when it tries to load up the level. Its been a while since I played the original Serious Sam or the sequel, but I think Sam II had options for widescreen mode that also created those "Cinematic" black bars on the top and bottom.

Author:  Stryker [ 22 Sep 2005, 03:52 ]
Post subject:  Serious Sam 2 Demo - Sam is Back!

It most certainly supports widescreen, need to play with the settings some since it doesnt look too hot, but here's a teaser:

Author:  branndo [ 22 Sep 2005, 05:16 ]
Post subject:  Serious Sam 2 Demo - Sam is Back!

It's pretty fun! But a little console-ish. I cannot do that silly jumping puzzle though :)

The widescreen option just stretched the screen for me, black bars top and bottom. I only had two widescreen resolutions, 1600x1050 and 1920x1200, which this machine cannot handle!

Author:  Paddy the Wak [ 22 Sep 2005, 10:53 ]
Post subject:  Serious Sam 2 Demo - Sam is Back!

Hi guys ...
Although there are widescreen options in the graphics setup menu the game most certainly does not support widescreen properly.
Ignoring the black borders the game has the same problem as Battlefield 2 in that the top and bottom get chopped off rather than adding extra view to the sides.

Some screenshots ...
Click the thumbnails to enlarge ... even when enlarged these screenshots are not at the true resolution.

1600x1200 - widescreen - Yes
This stretches to fill the screen ... with black bars top and bottom ...

1600x1200 - widescreen - No
This stretches to fill the screen ... without the black bars

1920x1200 - widescreen - No
The same as the previous (1600x1200 - widescreen - No) but with black bars on the sides ...

1920x1200 - widescreen - Yes
The view is not wider ... the top and bottom of the view is chopped off.
AND there are black bars limiting the view even further...

You can get less black bars at the top and bottom but it does not give you a wider FOV.
Go to ... F:Serious Sam 2 DemoContentSeriousSam2 and edit the Sam2.ini ...
Change the line ... gfx_fAspectRatio = 1.3333;
To ... gfx_fAspectRatio = 1.6666;

May be there is a solution to this but I can't find it.
What a shame ... Serious Sam the Second Encounter did widescreen so well ...
I used to run it at 3840x1024 everything at Max on my old Parhelia ... without any black bars and the correct FOV ... OOTB.

Author:  skipclarke [ 23 Sep 2005, 22:46 ]
Post subject:  Serious Sam 2 Demo - Sam is Back!

Wow! Now that's what I call a thorough examinaton. Thanks for posting those screens, Paddy.

It's issues like these that really tend to stymie widescreen gaming. I have a feeling that quite a few consumers who have recently bought widescreen displays are playing games which they *think* are in widescreen, but in reality are either stretched aspect ratios or simply wider screens with no change in FOV.

Author:  Paddy the Wak [ 24 Sep 2005, 12:07 ]
Post subject:  Serious Sam 2 Demo - Sam is Back!

Hi Stretch ...
Glad you liked my "examination" ... :D
... are playing games which they *think* are in widescreen.
This is why I think comparison screenshots are so important.

Great word ... stymie ... 8)

Author:  skipclarke [ 24 Sep 2005, 21:37 ]
Post subject:  Serious Sam 2 Demo - Sam is Back!

hehe, many thx....

Awesome specs, btw. You know, we have almost identical rigs. :wink:

Only difference on mine is the PSU (Antec Neo Power 480w), Case (Antec p180) and HDD's (running two 7200.7 160gb Seagate drives in RAID 0).

Author:  johnnyr [ 14 Oct 2005, 19:35 ]
Post subject:  Serious Sam 2 Demo - Sam is Back!


In your Sam2.ini file, under fxAspectratio Line, change it to 1.6. This will get rid of all the bars. Note that this is only for those using 16:10 moniters.

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