Ok heres my deal. i just bought a new 20.1 lcd monitor, i was wondering if anyone has every got sof2 multiplayer running on my native resolution which is 1680x1050 or any other custom resolution.
I have checked everysingle tutorial on how to customize my resolution ex. widescreengamingforum.com, etc...
The problem is not running 1680x1050 in Single Player<-(works) but running 1680x1050 in sof2mp (MULTIPLAYER)
These are the exact command lines i added to my sof2mp.cfg
seta r_mode -1
seta r_customwidth 1680
seta r_customheight 1050
When i launch game the custom resolution is not set. When i type in r_mode in console and it reads 3 (Valid Range 3 to 10)
I also tried to the following things to eliminate this problem
1) added + r_mode -1 in commandline of the sof2mp shortcut (doesnt work) says r_mode 3 (-1 latched w.e that means.)
2) Changed the config to Read Only as a experiment (doesnt work)(still r_mode at 3) OMFG
3) Other custom resolutions (doesnt work)
Conclusion: Overall i think my main problem is that my r_mode doesnt change below 3. If anyone has successfuly ran sof2 in widescreen mode(custom resolution) Please Please Please reply to this thread
p.s: Explain your self if there is a way
THERE MUST BE A WAY, EVEN Q3 runs on custom resolutions