Widescreen Gaming Forum

Can i use a different wide res other than 1680x1050
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Author:  boodikon [ 24 Sep 2006, 20:33 ]
Post subject:  Can i use a different wide res other than 1680x1050

Hello i have a Philips 200W6CS 20" Widescreen LCD Monitor and the nat res is 1680x1050 can i use a lower widescreen res like 1440, or less.

Author:  BongoTrumman [ 24 Sep 2006, 20:43 ]
Post subject:  Can i use a different wide res other than 1680x1050

Yes you can.

Take a look at this one if you have a nvidia card:
Tutorial: Nvidia: Add Custom Desktop Resolution

And this one for any other mfg and also works with nvidia if the above doesn't work:
Tutorial: Powerstrip: Add Custom Desktop Resolution

Common Widescreen Resolutions

Author:  boodikon [ 24 Sep 2006, 21:40 ]
Post subject:  Can i use a different wide res other than 1680x1050

Thanks, do i have to put the new res in nvidia control panel or can i just change it in my game cfg like in fear, what i meen is if i change the res in my fear game config to 1440x900 will it work or do i have to put it in nvidia custom res first.

Author:  boodikon [ 24 Sep 2006, 22:06 ]
Post subject:  Can i use a different wide res other than 1680x1050

When i tried the 1440x900 in the nvidia add custom resolution it said, "The custom resolution cant be added" is this because my screen cant do it or is it because my video card wont. :(

Author:  BongoTrumman [ 24 Sep 2006, 22:18 ]
Post subject:  Can i use a different wide res other than 1680x1050

When i tried the 1440x900 in the nvidia add custom resolution it said, "The custom resolution cant be added" is this because my screen cant do it or is it because my video card wont. :(

No probs with your hardware. Well atleast not at this point.

91.xx nvidia drivers and no custom res?

Some have probs with 8x.xx drivers too.

Use powerstrip instead.

You can only game with the resolutions you can choose in the windows desktop. So if you can't choose 1440 in windows desktop you won't be able to game in that res even if you edit your cfg with 1440.

Author:  Ascii_Aficionado [ 19 Nov 2006, 04:08 ]
Post subject:  Can i use a different wide res other than 1680x1050

I have a 20'.1 16:10 widescreen LCD, am I forced to only play at the one widescreen rez of1680x1050 *native* b/c i'd love to lower it to a lower 16:10 resolution for newer games like Fear/Oblivion *i'm a framerate freak* and if not will it look bad, what I mean is if I use a lower 16:10 widescreen rez besides my native rez will it be just as good. *besides the lower resolution offering less pixels,*

Author:  BongoTrumman [ 19 Nov 2006, 13:18 ]
Post subject:  Can i use a different wide res other than 1680x1050

I have a 20'.1 16:10 widescreen LCD, am I forced to only play at the one widescreen rez of1680x1050 *native* b/c i'd love to lower it to a lower 16:10 resolution for newer games like Fear/Oblivion *i'm a framerate freak* and if not will it look bad, what I mean is if I use a lower 16:10 widescreen rez besides my native rez will it be just as good. *besides the lower resolution offering less pixels,*

Why don't you just try it and find out?

You can play with a lower res than native the res. Info is all over the forum about that stuff, my posts above tells you how to add those resolutions.

I don't know how good the upscaling will look on your monitor as all panels have different qualities. Just try it, it won't damage your screen. Some monitors do great upscaling and some don't.

Author:  Ascii_Aficionado [ 19 Nov 2006, 13:37 ]
Post subject:  Can i use a different wide res other than 1680x1050

i'm using the same logic as say you set a 4:3 ratio lcd from a native rez of 1280x1024 to 1024x768 besides there being less pixel's the picture won't render right, i'm not sure how to word it. or I could just be completely haywire right now from lack of sleep

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