Widescreen Gaming Forum

Half-Life NON Steam version
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Author:  earlcrow [ 20 Jan 2007, 13:03 ]
Post subject:  Half-Life NON Steam version

Hi , i have the halflife NON steam version (Half Life Generation v3 Pack)

how can i change the resolution to fullscreen here? I cant find any useful ini data ... PLEAES HELP

Author:  squ1zzy [ 20 Jan 2007, 13:09 ]
Post subject:  Re: Half-Life NON Steam version

Hi , i have the halflife NON steam version (Half Life Generation v3 Pack)

how can i change the resolution to fullscreen here? I cant find any useful ini data ... PLEAES HELP

Euhm, in the game itself ? I'm sure that every HL version support widescreen..

Options Video Display Mode WideScreen

Author:  earlcrow [ 20 Jan 2007, 13:52 ]
Post subject:  Half-Life NON Steam version

really ? where?

where the D3D device "DEFAULT" is standing, i cannot chooce something else

Author:  Paradigm Shifter [ 20 Jan 2007, 14:14 ]
Post subject:  Half-Life NON Steam version

Sorry to say this, but widescreen support is only present once you load HL into Steam.

It sucks, but that's the way it is. :(

Author:  earlcrow [ 20 Jan 2007, 14:32 ]
Post subject:  Half-Life NON Steam version

i dont have steam and i dont want it....

is there really no way to get around this? i mean ... the GFX is not better or else in steam ... so there must be a way to get widescreen without steam !!?!

Author:  squ1zzy [ 20 Jan 2007, 15:23 ]
Post subject:  Half-Life NON Steam version

i dont have steam and i dont want it....

is there really no way to get around this? i mean ... the GFX is not better or else in steam ... so there must be a way to get widescreen without steam !!?!

Nope, get the steam version as i won't make a patch for it as you requested..

Author:  earlcrow [ 20 Jan 2007, 15:36 ]
Post subject:  Half-Life NON Steam version

sorry man but why do you need a remote on my pc to make a patch? ... i understand that if you dont have the game - its ok but i dont want to give someone remote who i dont know :-D.

and nah. i dont want the steam version ....

thanks anyway guys... regards

Author:  squ1zzy [ 20 Jan 2007, 15:55 ]
Post subject:  Half-Life NON Steam version

sorry man but why do you need a remote on my pc to make a patch? ... i understand that if you dont have the game - its ok but i dont want to give someone remote who i dont know :-D.

and nah. i dont want the steam version ....

thanks anyway guys... regards

Edit: Never Mind, not making one..

Author:  perpetuum [ 14 May 2007, 15:51 ]
Post subject:  Half-Life NON Steam version

Just to let you know, guys. I was picking some old games for a notebook, and found my old Half-Life GOTY disc... Works perfectly at widescreen. You just need to make a shortcut and add -w -h in the target line... "...hl.exe -w 1280 -h 800" made it work flawless 1280x800 in my case. So, good luck in getting your old non-steam HL look nice at your widescreen.

Author:  Dave-ros [ 14 May 2007, 18:56 ]
Post subject:  Half-Life NON Steam version

Just to let you know, guys. I was picking some old games for a notebook, and found my old Half-Life GOTY disc... Works perfectly at widescreen. You just need to make a shortcut and add -w -h in the target line... "...hl.exe -w 1280 -h 800" made it work flawless 1280x800 in my case. So, good luck in getting your old non-steam HL look nice at your widescreen.

I've just tried this (fully patched edition of the game, v., as included with Half-Life: Generation), and it didn't work -- whatever 16:10 resolution I put in (I've tried your 1280x800 and my monitor's native 1920x1200), it just defaults back to 400x300. Ecch! Although when I first tried 1280x800, it appeared in a non-bordered window on my desktop, albeit at 1280x960 (a 4:3 resolution, so maybe it was trying the nearest match?).

I'm using a 7900GS with Forceware 93.71 drivers, in WinXP Home, and this is also my first post at this mighty forum :oops:

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