Widescreen Gaming Forum

GTA: San Andreas
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Author:  biggles [ 18 Apr 2007, 04:03 ]
Post subject:  GTA: San Andreas

I desperately wanna play San Andreas in triplehead / double triplehead mode. Unfortunately the game only accepts certain aspect ratios. I can bodge up a custom screen w/ forceware but it BSOD's after a few mins, and besides, the screen isn't centred 'cause it's clipped off to one side. Also tried Racer_S's Universal Res Changer and Kegety's softTH, no joy there either.

The main double triplehead modes are:


although some others are also possible with a little tweaking. The problem for SA tho seems to be it can't do 2:1 or 15:8 screens. I'm completely naive about this sort of thing but get the impression that somewhere in SA's executable is a byte or two that can be changed in a hex ed to only allow 2:1 and 15:8 screens?

FOV and in-game aspect isn't a problem thanks to Dave's patches but in the first instance i can't even get the screen mode. :cry:

(incidently, every other game so far tried works fine natively on DTH). 8)

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