Widescreen Gaming Forum

Can't stop image stretching
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Author:  Jupiter70 [ 24 Apr 2007, 06:20 ]
Post subject:  Can't stop image stretching

I have a Dell E228WFP widescreen monitor and a Radeon X1300 graphics card. Both drivers are up to date.

Everything works fine except when I run older games which run at a different aspect ratio (typically 800x600). I've tried setting "use centered timings" (as opposed to "scale image to full panel size") in ATI's Catalyst Control Centre, but the games are still stretched to the full size of the display.

Any suggestions?

Author:  ViciousXUSMC [ 24 Apr 2007, 06:26 ]
Post subject:  Can't stop image stretching

Your display may be whats scaling it and not your video card.

if your display is doing it you need to turn it off, or find a way for your video card to send an image thats got the black borders on it to fill the empty space.

I am not familar with ATI cards tho, as far as I know they dont even have scaling options untill the very latest releases where they started adding it to compete with Nvidia.

Author:  Jupiter70 [ 24 Apr 2007, 06:35 ]
Post subject:  Can't stop image stretching

Unfortunately, I can't see any options on the display's settings that are relevant to scaling.

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