Widescreen Gaming Forum

How are these games in widescreen?
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Author:  Killer O' Kane [ 23 Dec 2007, 03:47 ]
Post subject:  How are these games in widescreen?

Are these games supported natively by widescreen and if there is any change, what is it (vert - Hor +, etc)? The best change to have is Hor +, isn't it?

Medieval 2 Total War
Lego Star Wars/Lego Star Wars 2
Caesar 4
Sid Meier's Railroads
PES 2008
Flight Sim X
Cricket 07
Silent Hunter 4
The Sims 2
Call Of Duty 2

If anyone has these games on widescreen (especially Medieval 2, Caesar 4 and Railroads), please let me know!
And most new games (like Bioshock) will run on widescreens without any issues, or have the devs still not got with the program?

Author:  The_cranky_hermit [ 23 Dec 2007, 04:47 ]
Post subject:  How are these games in widescreen?

That's what the MGL is for.

Author:  Killer O' Kane [ 23 Dec 2007, 22:31 ]
Post subject:  How are these games in widescreen?

Not all of the games are on the list, has anyone got any info on those games that aren't on there? Games like Caesar 4 aren't on there.

Author:  P-Storm [ 23 Dec 2007, 23:16 ]
Post subject:  How are these games in widescreen?

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