Widescreen Gaming Forum

Zoo Tycoon 2 - 1920x1080
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Author:  Sebastian7 [ 23 Jan 2010, 02:44 ]
Post subject:  Zoo Tycoon 2 - 1920x1080

Greetings. Zoo Tycoon 2 works just fine on my brother's 16:10 res of 1680x1050. However, it refuses to work on my 16:9 dell S2409W. It's completely backwards on the resolutions. When I select a 4:3 resolution, the game stretches the image to widescreen. However, when I select a widescreen resolution, including the native resolution, it puts black bars on the side of the screen.

I've searched high and low for a solution, but to no avail. This is the only thing I found, but the issue remained unresolved, and it looks like the Zoo Tycoon forums were abandoned long ago.


My Options.xml file says 1920x1080, but the game does not display it. I have no idea what to try now.

Author:  AAuu [ 17 Jan 2011, 15:28 ]
Post subject:  Re: Zoo Tycoon 2 - 1920x1080

Hey Sebastian,
I have experienced the same problem and also looked for a solution all around the web with no success.

I wonder if there was ever a fix for it.
Weird part is 1920*1080 do appear in the options so it's really awkward.

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