Widescreen Gaming Forum

Resident Evil 2 resolution change?
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Author:  johhu12 [ 13 Jan 2012, 13:01 ]
Post subject:  Resident Evil 2 resolution change?

In options I can only set up to 640 x 480 but is there a solution to change the resolution? I would like to have 1024 x 768.

Author:  Abram [ 13 Jan 2012, 17:25 ]
Post subject:  I don't recall being able to

I don't recall being able to change teh PC version resolution above. Much of the artwork is only at that resolution and raising the graphics would introduce some wonky art. Though you could always try a hex-edit to a larger res. Info on how do do that can be found HERE

But I recently (well, over a year ago) ran the PSX version through ePSXe - a very nice Playstation emulator - and it did a very fine job at letting me play at 1600x1200, and I thin kit looked far better than the PC version. I assume it'll work on the PS2 emulator as well, and if it does, it'll surely look even better.

Author:  blackpill [ 16 Jan 2012, 02:33 ]
Post subject:  I agreed. it's better play it

I agreed. it's better play it on the ePSXe. You can choose the resolution that you want and with all the settings in very high it looks really nice. But stretch obviously. I recomend play it in the N64 emulator (Project64). There the game look the same but you can use the "Override Aspect" option. That don't change the FOV because the background is a static image but al least make the player no horizontal stretch. Here's a pic:

Author:  The_cranky_hermit [ 18 Jan 2012, 01:09 ]
Post subject:  Quote:That don't change the

That don't change the FOV because the background is a static image but al least make the player no horizontal stretch.

Does that mean the background stretches? And if that's the case, wouldn't that mean 3D models become misaligned with the background as they move from the center?

Author:  blackpill [ 31 Jan 2012, 06:33 ]
Post subject:  Forget what I said. Do not

Forget what I said. Do not play it with the N64 emulator. I tested a little more and there are too many errors of textures and FMV. Quite unplayable. It's a shame because this version has new history files and stuff. So yes, it should be played with ePSXe. There you can choose to play it in a widescreen resolution with stretch image, or with black bars on the sides at 4:3.

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