Widescreen Gaming Forum

Alan Wake has a FoV Slider, however...
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Author:  Mkilbride [ 16 Feb 2012, 04:19 ]
Post subject:  Alan Wake has a FoV Slider, however...

It does not say what your FoV is...makes no sense.

It's a slider par, has like 20 bars...no numbers.

So you basically have to guess and see...it's rather annoying. Anyone got any details on what would be proper?

Author:  koz [ 17 Feb 2012, 23:26 ]
Post subject:  I'm guessing it's around 60°

I'm guessing it's around 60° - 80°, give or take 5°. The camera is dynamic, almost cinematic in the way it swooshes around, and is pulled back a bit. So, FOV isn't a major problem anyway, in my opinion.
If it was first-person, or over-the-shoulder Gears of War style, then it would be maximum bollocks. However, they did a good job with this release, it's really great.

I really love the camera, yet some people seem to hate it. The effects are mind-blowing and atmospheric.

Author:  scavvenjahh [ 22 Feb 2012, 16:58 ]
Post subject:  I concur Milkbride: a FOV

I concur Milkbride: a FOV slider is a great addition to any game's optional settings, but it's a bit half-baked here.
First off the FOV is different during "storytelling" and "action" sequences. To top that Alan Wake is not strictly Hor+ anyway, there's a slight Vert FOV loss as the display gets wider. So it's just a "click a bunch of times here if you don't like the current setting" kind of thing... Hmpf.

Author:  Tanuki [ 22 Feb 2012, 21:24 ]
Post subject:  If it has that many positions

If it has that many positions than the values are most likely sitting in an options file somewhere.

Author:  scavvenjahh [ 24 Feb 2012, 22:38 ]
Post subject:  My thoughts exactly, but I

My thoughts exactly, but I couldn't find it in either Documents, AppData, Steam's userdata or the registry. The resolution setting is stored all alone in its very own file, too.

The FOV slider was added by popular demand just before release, so Remedy would probably be interested in more user feedback: http://forum.alanwake.com/showthread.php?t=3654

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