mdickens98 wrote:
Hi Felix,
Sorry for the 'VERY' late reply, I have now finished the game and the aiming didn't cause me too many problems. There were a few areas where I needed to use the aiming and for those sections I just dropped down to a single screen resolution and all was ok.
I'm afraid I am unable to test with a 4th monitor but I did contact UBISOFT and found their tech support system to be less than useless! they just kept emailing me saying I hadn't been in contact for 48 hours so they were going to close the ticket, I responded on three occasions but they never provided me with any support at all
Thanks for the reply! No worries, I've been busy and have put off playing AC3 for now given that its a game that really takes time to explore. Im very thankful because now at least I know the aiming is not crucial and just more of a nuisance. I still have a tidbit of hope because prior to its earlier update, Ghost Recon was updated and finally worked for my setup (for some unknown reason, it worked on everybody else's eyefinity setup except for mine. Could've been because I'm using a 6990 which was causing problems but for my occasion as well, Ubisoft was not very helpful...). I haven't been keeping up with this forum frequently so I'm sorry for the late thank you as well! But for anyone (and Im thinking that this affects all surround/eyefinity users) that are interested in playing this game with multi-monitors, know that this is the one bug which I believe is not exactly a game breaker. Hopefully as you said, you can just work through it and hope for an update! Just don't forget to turn off Crossfire for AMD users! I had about 20-30 fps in Boston and once I turned it off, I got it to 50-60fps and it runs a lot better (seems to be the case for Ghost Recon as well. Damn ubisoft...)