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Author:  Ronnies07 [ 15 Nov 2013, 15:58 ]
Post subject:  X-Rebirth

At the time of this writing X-Rebirth with Nvidia Surround is a no-go, The game crashes, and it crashes hard. So hard in fact that it kills the Nvidia driver and I am left with three monitors stuck in standby, which then I have to utilize the reset button on my computer.

Author:  Skid [ 15 Nov 2013, 18:14 ]
Post subject:  Re: X-Rebirth

Game doesn't crash here, runs fine out the box, game has bad performance issues but it works.

I would suggest you check your drivers, make sure you PC isn't overheating, and make sure you've read this thread as it is not a surround exclusive issue: http://steamcommunity.com/app/2870/disc ... 211552430/

Author:  Ronnies07 [ 15 Nov 2013, 19:22 ]
Post subject:  Re: X-Rebirth

The audio fix doesn't help.

I can leave Nvidia surround enabled but leave the game running in 1920x1080 and it works just fine, even with the audio set to 24bit 48000hz.

In fact I can launch the game in 1920x1080 start a new save, then change resolutions to 6040x1080 once I'm in the cargo bay after meeting Yisha.

I wonder if it has some issues with the old-school video file based cut-scene it attempts to play upon starting a new campaign.

Edit: Nope, does it at 80% when attempting to start a freeplay game as well, Changing audio settings and reinstalling drivers provided no help. Back to the drawing board.

Author:  tepescovir [ 17 Nov 2013, 15:07 ]
Post subject:  Re: X-Rebirth

This is not an X game. And needs serious patching before it's usable. Framerates for most seem to be in the mid 20's even with my 3 680's and 3960.
Joystick support is there but also quite broken atm.

all this may be fixed over time, but you would be advised to wait before buying. But i'm hoping it will be sorted as space games lately are far and few and i love them

Author:  Goobers [ 03 Apr 2015, 03:10 ]
Post subject:  Re: X-Rebirth

After some fidgeting, I got X Rebirth to play across three monitors in portrait mode... Without NV Surround.

The reason there's no Surround is because... well, I'm not given that option with three monitors in a display port daisy chain.

I haven't done any form of useful testing, but so far it appears to work (in the rush to get to work). Loading game (but not actual play), force quit reload, over and over.

I had to go into nVidia's control panel, give the leftmost monitor a custom resolution, in this case 3240x1920, to cover all three. Then I had to give the middle monitor a custom resolution of 2160x1920, to cover itself and the monitor to the right.

Anything else, like giving all three only 3240x1920, usually resulted in the left and middle displaying as it should, but the right would be blank and my mouse would be locked to only the left and middle screens.

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