Widescreen Gaming Forum

Need help: Mechwarrior Vengeance and Mercenaries 1920x1080
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Author:  CROMAT-ZAF [ 17 Oct 2014, 01:21 ]
Post subject:  Need help: Mechwarrior Vengeance and Mercenaries 1920x1080

Hey guys,

While thrifting through some bargain bins at my local store i found a original copy of Mechwarrior 4 Vengeance and Mercenaries bundled together! I remembered these two games from years back and bought both games on the spot.

But getting two the point, I downloaded a HD patch which did improve the graphics for both games but it seems the max resolution for the vanilla versions of Vengeance and Mercenaries is 1280x1024. I am currently using Windows 7 64bit with a 1920x1080 capable monitor. I am aware of the Mechwarrior 4 Merc Mekpak edition which i have as well which does support 1080P resolutions but i would like the vanilla versions of the game to be able to reach 1920x1080. Everytime i run the autoconfig file, which configures the graphics, it seems to reset back to the same default settings as before and does not keep the settings i assigned it originally. I have tried opening the options.ini file which stores the information and have tried manually setting the resolution to 1920x1080, but as soon as i go in game in automatically reverts the settings back to stock, I have even gone as far as making the options file read only but this just gives me write errors ingame. I also have tried multiple compatibility modes including Windows Xp, Vista and even 98 with no avail.

I appreciated any help you guys can offer.

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