This game has interesting way of interesting intracting with aspect radios wider then 16:9
If I run the game at 3440x1440 it would look like this. A 21:9 image squashed to 16:9 image with black borders on side
20180118192414_1.jpg [ 549.89 KiB | Viewed 2034 times ]
This is how it would normal looked like with stranded 16:9 aspect radios at 1233x1200 (The game has weird way of handling resolutions higher then 1080p)
20180118192359_1.jpg [ 390.36 KiB | Viewed 2064 times ]
I have tried using the common hex code "3FE38E39" for fixing the aspect radios with cheat engine & HxD & no luck so far. At launch the game would stretch 16:9 image on 3440x1440 but now it does this. I guess this is improvement to getting 21:9 support.
This bug is quite similar to Tokyo Xanadu Ex+'s 21:9 support
Any help would be appreciated thanks.