Widescreen Gaming Forum

Section 8
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Author:  antrad [ 20 Aug 2018, 07:15 ]
Post subject:  Section 8

Section 8 and its sequel Section 8 Prejudice are made using Unreal Engine 3 and they both have the same issue; FOV is Vert-.

I tried using the fix on PCGamingWiki for Prejudice, but it didn't work:
https://pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/Section_8 ... _.28FOV.29

I tried the generic Vert- to Hor+ fix for Unreal Engine 3/4 games and it didn't work:


Opening the console using "~" and typing "fov 90" I can change the FOV, but there are two problems with this:
- FOV resets back to old value when ever you use the sniper scope or when you sprint
- this doesn't influence the weapon model FOV

Using this it is very easy to find the FOV address using Cheat Engine(float value, rounded set to default) and change it, but it also has the above mentioned two problems. For the record default value is 70, when you use the scope it is 40.


Doing some research, it seems like EVERY Unreal Engine 3 game has this issue. It's ridiculous that an engine basically created for first person shooters defaults to Vert- FOV, it's just plain stupid.

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