agentghost wrote:
what HEX address can I use for 48:9 ratio/Surround/Triple Screen?
This 48:9 hex value is
AB AA AA 40 which can be found here: just started playing this game and it's beautiful. I play with a bezel corrected resolution of 5918x1080 so I had to calculate a custom ratio.
You can calculate your hex values by dividing your resolution width by the height and then converting that number to floating point hex (IEEE-754). You can do that with this tool: you edit the dll hex values, you'll need to enter each pair of hex values in reverse order.
5918 / 1080 = 5.47962962
Using the Floating Point Converter, it gave me
0x40af5920 so I edited my dll with
20 59 AF 40Bezel Corrected 48:9 Screenshot (5918 x 1080):
20190408003047_1.jpg [ 633.74 KiB | Viewed 7848 times ]