Widescreen Gaming Forum

[-noun] Web community dedicated to ensuring PC games run properly on your tablet, netbook, personal computer, HDTV and multi-monitor gaming rig.
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PostPosted: 18 May 2019, 19:20 

Joined: 01 Mar 2019, 00:08
Posts: 3
So someone released a trick to get the game to run at a higher resolution than 1080p, so I decided that I'd mess around with hex editing, alongside stretching the display using SpecialK, and try to get an ultrawide and 48:9 modification running.


First, I managed to get 21:9 working (kind of). The issues is that I'm unsure if the resolution is distorted from using SpecialK to stretch the game running in Windowed mode into borderless 2560x1080. The solution would be to supersample from ultrawide 1440p. The second issue is that 2D elements and UI are stretched out based on the 16:9 aspect ratio instead of working properly. The minimap is also broken, but that is an issue with other resolutions as well.


Then I decided that I'd test out a 48:9 aspect ratio (a triple-montor (three 16:9 monitors) setup), and while it looks immersive, the UI is stretched out even further, and certain elements seem to be culled out.


I'm going to end this post right here.


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