Hmmmm, AMD can I have some drivers please?
here is my first run WITH AA x8
1050_1500 fullAA valley.jpg [ 70.96 KiB | Viewed 3834 times ]
But only 65-67% on all GPUs.... Still using nearly 7.5Gb VRAM
1050_1500 fullAA valley bech msi.jpg [ 131.91 KiB | Viewed 3839 times ]
And ran it again with NO AA
1050_1500 noAA valley.jpg [ 56.63 KiB | Viewed 3835 times ]
And about 3Gb VRAM usage..... (4.5Gb just for AA????)
1050_1500 noAA valley bench msi.jpg [ 123.82 KiB | Viewed 3827 times ]
Anyway this was with Catalyst 13.8beta1, might try beta2 next weekend....
So theoretically your score would be around 2451x1.367=
3351(At 5040x1050)
Or could you do a run at 5040x1050 and post up your score?
When I get my waterblocks on I might flash BIOS and will be either smokin benchies or smokin cards....