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PostPosted: 18 Jul 2015, 19:36 
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Joined: 11 Jul 2015, 19:55
Posts: 8
I'm having difficulty setting up my :triplewide: . I'm hoping someone here can enlighten me on what I am doing wrong.

Drivers Attempted so far:
  • 15.7 - Fail
  • 15.5 - Fail
  • 14.9 - Fail
  • 14.4 - Fail ( second test )
Last updated 2015.07.18

TLDR; I'm using an HD 7770 to drive three monitors. Two go through mini DisplayPort > HDMI cables, and the third goes through HDMI > HDMI or DVI > HDMI (I've tried both). For some reason, I can't use all three screens at the same time. Before you tell me my cables are wrong, please read the long version to understand my confusion.

Long Version

I have been using the Windows 10 Insider Preview for about 6 months. It was going great. I recently obtained my two additional displays for an eyefinity setup. I plugged them in, and easily set up my eyefinity desktop, with bezel compensation, and keyboard shortcuts for switching between extended desktop and eyefinity. At this time, I was using the WDDM 2.0 engineering sample driver.

I then booted into Linux (with open source drivers), which was all too happy to drive all three monitors.

A couple weeks later, AMD released Catalyst 15.7, touting improved performance, and enabling DirectX 12. I jumped on it, and when I rebooted, my eyefinity profile no longer worked. I was used to this, so I went to reconfigure my displays, but I could no longer use three displays. Only two at a time. I checked linux again, just to be sure, and had no problems.

Back to Windows 10. I uninstalled Catalyst 15.7 and reinstalled an older driver, (15.3 I believe). No good. So then, I chose to completely reinstall from the DVD. I figured there must have been a compatibility issue, since I didn't use DDU for 15.7, so surely it would work on a completely fresh install. Windows 10 instantly set up all three displays. I thought, "Great! It works again! Now for DirectX 12." I promptly downloaded 15.7 for Windows 10, and could no longer use three displays.


So, from previous experience, I jumped straight to reinstalling Windows 10, and then realized I couldn't activate windows anymore. Microsoft has suspended any more activation of the Windows 10 Insider Preview. So I thought, well, I may as well install Windows 8.1 to reserve my windows 10 license. I promptly installed 15.7, and still couldn't use three monitors. So, I DDU'd and installed Catalyst 14.4, supposing an older driver would work better with my older card. No good.

I sat pondering what could be going on. On a whim, I swapped the HDMI > HDMI cable out for a DVI > HDMI cable, and lo and behold! Three monitors and eyefinity! YES! So, now that I had figured out the combo I needed, I decided to DDU and install 15.7 again.

Now I'm back to two monitors.


Last edited by Uthrain on 19 Jul 2015, 04:00, edited 1 time in total.


PostPosted: 18 Jul 2015, 22:07 

Joined: 28 Mar 2015, 16:47
Posts: 16
Seems you are having a similar conflict that I had.
I have 2 - 7870's that I use in crossfire. DVI, DVI, DP to VGA from one card.

My recent issue has solely been with linux but with 15.5 drivers it killed my crossfire functionality. I realized crossfire was off, so I went to turn it on and I went from 3 active monitors to only 1.... as it happens you can only select 1 monitor at a time for crossfire support in linux... but with drivers prior to 15.5 all 3 monitors remained active and the 1 selected got the crossfire support. It was maddening.

Now I have 15.7 on my linux and things are back to normal.
One thing I did different with 15.7 was to uninstall what was on there first, but I cannot say that made a difference for sure.

Maybe try 15.5 drivers if it worked there(?) and avoid 15.7 for sure with your card.

2x 7870 crossfire to 3x 23" in LLL : 5760x1080 or w/VSR 7680x1440

PostPosted: 18 Jul 2015, 23:56 
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Joined: 11 Jul 2015, 19:55
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The 15.5 drivers are beta, right? I'll give them a shot. It can't possibly hurt.

PostPosted: 20 Jul 2015, 03:13 

Joined: 28 Mar 2015, 16:47
Posts: 16
My mistake, it looks like 15.5 may have just been linux.
The previous version lists I am finding are not showing it: http://support.amd.com/en-us/download/desktop/previous?os=Windows%208.1%20-%2064
Did you try 14.12?

2x 7870 crossfire to 3x 23" in LLL : 5760x1080 or w/VSR 7680x1440

PostPosted: 20 Jul 2015, 04:01 
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Joined: 11 Jul 2015, 19:55
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I'm downloading 14.12, now, but after four failed drivers, I'm really considering buying an "active" DP adapter. I've done some research, and it seems each DVI/HDMI driven monitor must be supplied a clock. The video cards only have two DVI clocks, and an active adapter must be inserted between the DisplayPort and the monitors to drive three monitors. As it is, every time I plug my DP>HDMI monitors in, Catalyst informs me that I'm using a DVI connection. But if that is true, I should have never gotten this picture.


PostPosted: 22 Jul 2015, 19:47 
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Posts: 8
Well, after purchasing an active adapter, triple-monitor works just fine. I find this extremely annoying, because it clearly worked under the Windows 10 engineering sample driver without the adapter, and linux didn't have any problem with it. I'm beginning to think the whole "active" adapter thing is forced on us by AMD for arbitrary reasons.

PostPosted: 26 Jul 2015, 14:28 

Joined: 18 Jan 2007, 15:43
Posts: 12
eyefinity with specific setups can be broken:
my setup
r9 290
3x 37" portrait 1080p
windows 8.1 64
15.6 and 15.7 work fine.
14.9 works fine

anything else does NOT (tried all drivers)

windows 10: portrait eyefinity has a mouse coordinate bug (x,y are not in portrait (=y,x) and shifted)

please note, the old AMD cards require an _ACTIVE_ display port to HDMIorDVI converter, otherwise you'll be stuck with 2 monitors.

only the new AMD cards (dunno from which revision) can do 3x HDMI/DVI without active converter.

PostPosted: 28 Jul 2015, 01:07 
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Joined: 11 Jul 2015, 19:55
Posts: 8
ripcurl wrote:
please note, the old AMD cards require an _ACTIVE_ display port to HDMIorDVI converter, otherwise you'll be stuck with 2 monitors.

only the new AMD cards (dunno from which revision) can do 3x HDMI/DVI without active converter.

But that's what gets me. It worked for a time, before it didn't. In fact, it worked perfectly. I'm thinking of recreating the scenario again, and filming my cables and screens to prove it. It's just too weird.

Sent from my motorola XT1058 Using Ez Forum for Android

PostPosted: 28 Jul 2015, 12:02 
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Joined: 08 May 2011, 18:58
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It definitly sounds weird ^^

We gonna send it to outa space!

PostPosted: 01 Aug 2015, 03:58 

Joined: 28 Mar 2015, 16:47
Posts: 16
Glad you got it sorted.

Seems there is a forced change from AMD somewhere and reverting may not undo the code change.
Used to not require an active adapter but now you do.

2x 7870 crossfire to 3x 23" in LLL : 5760x1080 or w/VSR 7680x1440

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