Widescreen Gaming Forum

Eyefinity Wow
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Author:  Markl [ 23 Dec 2009, 04:10 ]
Post subject:  Eyefinity Wow

Just hooked up my two U2410's to each side of my Samsung 25.5 and it is just incredible, I run iRacing sim and this take it to a whole new level! Hell I couldnt even get my wife off it and she never had the slightest interest in running laps....now she does...LOL. So far no problem other than a occasional blink on my right monitor which is connected via display port. My 5870 seems to do real good with no issues. Thanks for all the info here it was a big help!

Author:  stangflyer [ 23 Dec 2009, 07:26 ]
Post subject:  Re: Eyefinity Wow

Just hooked up my two U2410's to each side of my Samsung 25.5 and it is just incredible, I run iRacing sim and this take it to a whole new level! Hell I couldnt even get my wife off it and she never had the slightest interest in running laps....now she does...LOL. So far no problem other than a occasional blink on my right monitor which is connected via display port. My 5870 seems to do real good with no issues. Thanks for all the info here it was a big help!

Are you running with a dp monitor? Any adapters? I have a 5970 and 3 1680x1050 monitors. 2 with dvi and 1 with minidp to dp adapter then dp to vga monoprice adapter. I just ordered a dell p2210 dp monitor and a monoprice minidp to dp cable. I will be hugely unhappy if I sprung another $250 and I still get the on/off of the dp monitor. I have read here that a dp monitor is not getting the on/off flicker that the vga and active dvi adapters are getting. Thanks for the reply.

Author:  Markl [ 23 Dec 2009, 08:51 ]
Post subject:  Re: Eyefinity Wow

ThevU2410 has built in DP porp .no adapters here. Th DP just flickers from time to mostly in window does seem to happen in game.

Author:  thatdude90210 [ 25 Dec 2009, 19:39 ]
Post subject:  Re: Eyefinity Wow

I totally get that. I only dabbled in racing games before. I briefly tried GPL years ago, still have a red Momo force wheel from that era. Since then, nothing, I didn't even know if the wheel still worked. After getting Eyefinity, I bought RaceOn/Race 07 package on Steam, and a couple of weeks ago I joined Iracing. Having a 3 monitor setup for racing is like the difference between "being in the car" vs driving while looking through a port-hole.

I'm now looking to get a better wheel setup, maybe a G27 or a GT3 CS edition.

Btw, a couple of times playing Left4Dead, I find myself turning my head to look behind me to find my teammates. Of course they aren't there, we don't have real surround gaming yet. It's just funny that I felt so "actually being there" that I would do that.

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