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upcoming catalyst 10.1 drivers supporting stereoscopic 3d
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Author:  thenjwaslike [ 15 Jan 2010, 03:36 ]
Post subject:  upcoming catalyst 10.1 drivers supporting stereoscopic 3d

some kewl news regarding 3d epicness


At present stereoscopic 3D output for video games is only supported by Nvidia Corp., but later this month ATI, graphics business unit of Advanced Micro Devices, will enable support of stereoscopic 3D technologies in its new Catalyst 10.1 drivers.

Among other innovations and improvements, ATI will also update the Direct 3D driver so as to allow third party firms to use their 3D solution with 120Hz screens and will also add support for active-shutter Bit Cauldron glasses, reports Geeks3D web-site citing another media report. At present Bit Cauldron glasses are not available, hence, it will not be possible to take advantage of stereo 3D just now.

Earlier this month AMD’s graphics group already demonstrated work of ATI Radeon HD 5000-series hardware with active-shutter Bit Cauldron glasses at Consumer Electronics Show. Bit Cauldron glasses will be available from major household brand names in the second half of 2010.

“Bit Cauldron glasses work together with AMD GPU’s to provide the world’s best 3D experience. Plus, these glasses are the ‘universal remote control’ of 3D glasses, interoperating with 3D-Ready televisions from several major manufacturers,” said James Mentz, chief executive officer of Bit Cauldron.

At present the difference between Bit Cauldron glasses and Nvidia 3D Vision is unclear, but it looks like the former is only compatible with the incoming stereo 3D high-definition TV-sets.

“Bit Cauldron glasses use advanced IEEE 802.15.4 radios for a reliable connection from display to glasses. With other glasses at the CES, look away from the TV or step out from the carefully controlled viewing area and you’ll see them flicker, while ours keep working just fine,” said Samuel Caldwell, vice president of engineering at Bit Cauldron.

thanks Dave!!!

Author:  suiken_2mieu [ 15 Jan 2010, 03:44 ]
Post subject:  Re: upcoming catalyst 10.1 drivers supporting stereoscopic 3d

Does this mean we can use bi-color (Red and Blue Lens) glasses for 60Hz only Monitors?
Will this work with the 4800 series cards?

Author:  Tamlin [ 15 Jan 2010, 04:08 ]
Post subject:  Re: upcoming catalyst 10.1 drivers supporting stereoscopic 3d

Does this mean we can use bi-color (Red and Blue Lens) glasses for 60Hz only Monitors?
Will this work with the 4800 series cards?

You can use that already now (and it works with 4800 series card):
Anaglyph (red/blue(cyan) is free.

Author:  direwolf [ 15 Jan 2010, 04:09 ]
Post subject:  Re: upcoming catalyst 10.1 drivers supporting stereoscopic 3d

Beta 10.1 available here http://www.rage3d.com/board/showthread.php?t=33958073

* CrossFire X profiles per application will now be in a separate XML file that it will be possible to update independently of the driver itself
* ATI CrossFire X with PowerPlay for the Radeon 5×00s: reduced energy consumption of additional cards
* AMD Dual Graphics: Possibility of combining performances of the IGP of the RS880 with the forthcoming entry level GPUs from the Cedar and Park ranges.
* 3D Stereoscopics: Update of the D3D driver so as to allow third party firms such as IZ3D to use their 3D solution with 120 Hz screens. Support for Bit Cauldron glasses.
* Eyefinity: Bezel Management
* Better GPU acceleration in Windows 7 Video Converter
* Support for DisplayPort Audio (already in the 9.12 hotfix)
* If laptop manufacturers allow it, possibility of installing the Catalysts on a laptop in Vista and 7
* Improvement of 2D performance in Linux
* Support for Ubuntu 9.10 and OpenSUSE 11.2

Author:  KryptoNyte [ 16 Jan 2010, 01:36 ]
Post subject:  Re: upcoming catalyst 10.1 drivers supporting stereoscopic 3d

Bezel management.

Anyone that has taken the dip in the beta pool yet confirm how this is working?

errrr... wait a minute. It looks like those features aren't actually in the Beta driver, but are to be made available over the coming months?

Author:  Sideeffect [ 16 Jan 2010, 04:10 ]
Post subject:  Re: upcoming catalyst 10.1 drivers supporting stereoscopic 3d

Bezel management.
Anyone that has taken the dip in the beta pool yet confirm how this is working?

errrr... wait a minute. It looks like those features aren't actually in the Beta driver, but are to be made available over the coming months?

I'm using the beta now. The CCC is the same version as the one provided in 9.12 hotfix so if any of the new options like bezel management will be in 10.1 we won't know till the official version is released. The display driver seems stable and similar in performance to 9.12 hotfix.

Author:  shockabuku [ 16 Jan 2010, 11:00 ]
Post subject:  Re: upcoming catalyst 10.1 drivers supporting stereoscopic 3d

wow, bezel management already (maybe). I wasn't expecting that for some time yet. Fingers crossed it's true...and that it works!

Author:  bowenac [ 19 Jan 2010, 20:33 ]
Post subject:  Re: upcoming catalyst 10.1 drivers supporting stereoscopic 3d

Any word if the 10.1 release will include Bezel Management. It would suck if Nvidia comes out with it before ATI does.

Author:  suiken_2mieu [ 19 Jan 2010, 23:42 ]
Post subject:  Re: upcoming catalyst 10.1 drivers supporting stereoscopic 3d

I tried out these drivers, the 3D effect is cool, but It killer any sort of color. So, for a trial, go ahead and try it out (works in suorround as long as your games does btw), but I'd have to go with a 120Hz panel if i wanted to actually go ahead and get into 3D Gaming.

Author:  Samiad [ 20 Jan 2010, 09:58 ]
Post subject:  Re: upcoming catalyst 10.1 drivers supporting stereoscopic 3d

suiken_2mieu, when you install the drivers how do you choose the 3D mode?

Do you still have to seek out additional drivers like iZ3D or is it something that can be enabled in the ATi CCC alone?

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