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NFS Shift stutter/freeze issue.
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Author:  bowenac [ 23 Apr 2010, 22:49 ]
Post subject:  NFS Shift stutter/freeze issue.

So I have been talking back and forth with EA all day I know fun right hehe.

Anyway I can't get this game to run smooth, I get microstutters and the game will freeze for 2-10 seconds then unfreeze. This is the ONLY game I have any problems with.

I am curious if anyone else plays this game in Eyefinity and how it runs for them. I have tried everything that EA has said to do so far.

My specs are

i7 920 @ 4.00 "happens at stock clocks as well"
6GB Gskill 1600
EVGA X58 Classi
XFX HD 5870 Crossfire
Win7 64bit
CCC 10.3

Author:  ViciousXUSMC [ 24 Apr 2010, 03:04 ]
Post subject:  Re: NFS Shift stutter/freeze issue.

I would turn off crossfire to see if it fixes it, then you know its a crossfire issue.

After that I would see if its a cpu affinity issue, I know Race Driver Grid had some issue with my i7 on my laptop because it appears to the game as a "8 core" cpu and they only had it coded for up to 4 cores. Maybe NFSS has the same issue?

Author:  bowenac [ 24 Apr 2010, 03:49 ]
Post subject:  Re: NFS Shift stutter/freeze issue.

I would turn off crossfire to see if it fixes it, then you know its a crossfire issue.

After that I would see if its a cpu affinity issue, I know Race Driver Grid had some issue with my i7 on my laptop because it appears to the game as a "8 core" cpu and they only had it coded for up to 4 cores. Maybe NFSS has the same issue?

Does the same thing with crossfire disabled or one GPU. I have been talking back and forth with EA and they had me send them my dxdialog this shows all of my specs and everything else.

So far they have had be do a cleanboot with msservices disabled. That did not fix anything. They had me create a new admin user account, that did not work either.

I had this same problem with my Q6700 assuming that it would support that. But I just recently upgraded, and when I did I reformatted, reinstalled the game on steam, and having the same issues.

So far EA is blaming it on ATI issue and showed me threads on there forum where ATI users have a lot of problems with the game so. Now I am just waiting for them to get back to me.

Author:  BRPunk [ 24 Apr 2010, 19:05 ]
Post subject:  Re: NFS Shift stutter/freeze issue.

I wouldn't hold your breath with EA.

Author:  Delphium [ 24 Apr 2010, 21:26 ]
Post subject:  Re: NFS Shift stutter/freeze issue.

I play this game on single and multi mon, to put it simply, its poorly coded.

get the latest patch which improves things, and also turn off EA online automatic login, which lessens the frequency of this issue.

It does this for me in single mon and multi mon, its just a game bug unfortunately.

Author:  bowenac [ 24 Apr 2010, 23:05 ]
Post subject:  Re: NFS Shift stutter/freeze issue.

I play this game on single and multi mon, to put it simply, its poorly coded.

get the latest patch which improves things, and also turn off EA online automatic login, which lessens the frequency of this issue.

It does this for me in single mon and multi mon, its just a game bug unfortunately.

Yea that is pretty much what I am getting. Just hate paying for a game that does not work correctly, and it does not seem like they are going to patch things any further. Heck they are releasing DLC for consoles only and that kind of pisses me off too.

Author:  Delphium [ 25 Apr 2010, 00:38 ]
Post subject:  Re: NFS Shift stutter/freeze issue.

*nods* aye, tell me about it, not impressed but its EA, so i'm not surprised either, chalked down to experience for this one :/

Author:  ra1d [ 27 Apr 2010, 00:37 ]
Post subject:  Re: NFS Shift stutter/freeze issue.

i just started playing shift and haven't run into any issues - single 5970


Author:  bowenac [ 27 Apr 2010, 01:01 ]
Post subject:  Re: NFS Shift stutter/freeze issue.

i just started playing shift and haven't run into any issues - single 5970


Crazy let me know if you run into any and what settings are you running? What driver are you using?

Author:  X3R Kefran [ 29 Apr 2010, 11:06 ]
Post subject:  Re: NFS Shift stutter/freeze issue.

I have a 5970 (XFX BE) and I had a lot of issues with NFS shift (freeze, framerate, etc.) in eyefinity mode.
Renaming the .exe in oblivion.exe solved all the problems for me.

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