Widescreen Gaming Forum

3x1080p 2xBlack Frames
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Author:  Ghostwire [ 14 Sep 2010, 17:02 ]
Post subject:  3x1080p 2xBlack Frames

Hi Eyefinity-Fellows,

I just bought a 5770 Flex, plugged in my 3 AOC2434PW and got the following result:
Resolution works, but only one screen spreads the picture across the whole screen. The two other monitors have black frames around a smaller picture.

I played around with the cables and noticed, that the monitor which displays full screen is alway the one, which is plugged into the black SingleLink DVI Port of the card. The other two which are connected via HDMI and DualLink DVI-Port have the frames.

I don't know what to do. Can somebody help?


Author:  Tamlin [ 14 Sep 2010, 20:59 ]
Post subject:  Re: 3x1080p 2xBlack Frames

Need more info. Black frames around a smaller picture usually tells me that you either are using a lower then native resolution, or you have some underscan (underscan should however only affect your HDMI connected screen though). I would try to make sure that each screen uses the full native resolution (maximum resolution/most likely 1920x1200 or 1920x1080). If you use lower resolution, you need to activate scaling on either the screen or in CCC.

Author:  Ghostwire [ 15 Sep 2010, 07:07 ]
Post subject:  Re: 3x1080p 2xBlack Frames

The resolution is 1920*1080 on all screens (native).
I tried scaling now (in CCC) and it works although the resolution is native.

Strange, but now I'm happy. Thx for the input. :D

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