I have a 3x1 setup and I'm wondering if there is some kind of process or best approach I can use to get all screens matching with regard to contrast, temp, brightness, gamma etc...
My three screen are identical Asus models but when all set to defaults via the monitors OCD they are wildly different, so I have to compensate via a combination of the monitors settings and the Catalyst settings. It takes ages to get them roughly the same just my trial and error, raising temp on one, dropping gamma on another, then discovering that raising one variable has thrown of something else...
Is there a process I can use, like setting all the color related stuff to minimum and just working on contrast and brightness with black and white test cards, and then when those two variables are sorted then moving on to colour
Is there some kind of order to follow, should I sort out Temperature first, then gamma then brightness for example.
Basically I'm looking for a kind of measured approach as opposed my current process of frantically moving sliders around at random until everything looks roughly similar.
First of all, why not create a Profile once you get the settings you want and like? Then, when you want to go back to Eyefinity it's just a couple of clicks and you're done with it.
Depending on which version of the CCC you're using, this will be found in the Profiles or Presets option.
I created my own profiles for Eyefinity as well as for a Single Screen and pasted the shortcuts to my Windows Desktop. Now, I don't even have to open CCC to change between them.
Also, I'm actually puzzled as to why the identical monitors are so different that this needs such an extensive configuration to get it done? How about going into the Device Manager, expand the Monitors and then REMOVE all of them. (No, you won't lose the display!) Put a check in the box to Uninstall the Drivers. Click OK all the way out and reboot and let Windows completely redetect all your monitors again. That "might" straighten out the differences you're seeing.
Good luck!