Widescreen Gaming Forum

HD 6970 Cant get 3rd screen to work
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Author:  sugarat [ 16 Oct 2011, 10:00 ]
Post subject:  HD 6970 Cant get 3rd screen to work

I have tried a number of different approaches to get my third screen to work.

Firstly - an active mini DP -> DVI convertor, but this results in a black screen and an apparent 640x480 resolution only.

Second, a mini DP -> VGA adapter, - but this shows traditional resolutions up to 1600x1200, and not the 1920x1080 of my screen.

What else can I try? I am so mad with this thing right now..

Author:  flopper [ 20 Oct 2011, 18:07 ]
Post subject:  I had issues with 120hz and

I had issues with 120hz and get 3 screens to work.
normally a DP to dvi active adapter should work.

1. set eyefinity with 2 screens and then connect the third one.
2. check cables and test with another screens cable.
3. move things around so try to connect screens to different outputs.
4. check to see if overdrive in driver settings for screens is on or off.

basically, its kinda hard to say what to try, do it systematically until one find a thing that works.

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