Nope, no slowdowns, FPS's goes up and down as you'd expect it to, depending on the complexity of what's around me.
I did notice that kind of behaviour with MLAA enabled however. I'd start up the game at 5040, get maybe 11fps and have animation slowmo too, drop the resolution in game to the next lower eyefinity res(38xx x 960 or something), game would jump back to 30fps, then heres the weird thing, I immediately put the res back up to 5040 and the game would no longer be slowmo-ing and lagged out at 11fps. It would be back up over 25fps, stays fine like that for a random length of time as I drove around the city and then suddenly drop back to 11fps and slowmo for no apparent reason.
But to re-iterate my answer to your question, game behaves fine as long as I leave MLAA off.
No my only issues are my old ass q6600 being maxed continually and holding my fps back at the high thirties at best. That and MLAA being weird and moody.
Another question for you, do you have to disable hyperthreading to get that 2600k to clock to 4.6, if thats the case should i buy an i5, cos all I'm doin is gaming, I ain't processing video or utilising any of that hyperthready goodness?