Widescreen Gaming Forum

Cannot activate 3rd monitor - need help
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Author:  Ghostwire [ 20 Nov 2011, 15:06 ]
Post subject:  Cannot activate 3rd monitor - need help

CCC (Version 2011.1025.2152.37348) doesn't let me activate my third monitor.
It is detected an the tooltip says "To enable this display right click and select desired desktop mode", but right-clicking doesn't do anything.
When I deactivate one of two running monitors, the third one can be activated, so that I can choose any combination of two of the three monitors.

Additional Problem is, that when I choose a resolution of 1920x1080 I have black borders around my desktop (not whole screen is used)
1680x1050 is no problem.

Setup is:
Windows XP 32Bit SP3
HD5770 Flex
3x AOC2434PW (connected via DVI/DVI/HDMI) - actual driver installed
(It is NOT an active adapter problem; the Flex card can handle three connections without needing an active adapter)

The combination of the GPU and the monitors worked well under Win7, so that I assume that it is an OS Problem.
AMD driver checker confirms actual version of CCC.

Any Ideas?

Author:  rebelstar [ 20 Nov 2011, 16:12 ]
Post subject:  I have no words... Is there

I have no words... Is there any good reason to use Windows XP on nowdays, OS from 2001? I'm always do self-trolling when I see "XP" letters. It's almost 2012 and soon will be a Windows 8 and you still can't decide which OS to use? And you answered your questions yourself - Works under Windows 7 and don't under XP, it's obvious to decide what to do, no?

Author:  Ghostwire [ 20 Nov 2011, 18:08 ]
Post subject:  Rebelstar wrote:I have no

I have no words... Is there any good reason to use Windows XP on nowdays, OS from 2001? I'm always do self-trolling when I see "XP" letters. It's almost 2012 and soon will be a Windows 8 and you still can't decide which OS to use? And you answered your questions yourself - Works under Windows 7 and don't under XP, it's obvious to decide what to do, no?

You have no words? I see many words..... :onethumb

It's just an old secondary system with a preinstalled XP. The things it should do, it does properly except for controlling three monitors.
In the meantime I found out that XP really only can control two monitors per graphics card.; naughty little OS! J)
So, either I stick with two monitors for this system or I upgrade.

Or any other ideas?

Author:  Davros [ 20 Nov 2011, 23:13 ]
Post subject:  Eyefinity does not support xp

Eyefinity does not support xp

perhaps extended desktop will work

Author:  Ghostwire [ 21 Nov 2011, 07:28 ]
Post subject:  Davros wrote:Eyefinity does

Eyefinity does not support xp
perhaps extended desktop will work

Unfortunately it doesn't. Maybe Eyefinity supports Win 98/95/3.11? 8)

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