Widescreen Gaming Forum

Color calibration and Eyefinity
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Author:  Gen. Hospital [ 31 May 2012, 20:17 ]
Post subject:  Color calibration and Eyefinity

I have three Dell 2410 monitors, and as anyone who has experience with these can attest to, the color reproduction and uniformity is pretty bad. One of my monitors is slightly green, one is slightly blue, and the third one is ok. I've been told that the kind of difference I'm seeing is within spec, so no exchanging (I'd probably get two slightly off ones anyway :p)
I bought a ColorHUG, thinking calibration might help. And it does! They are now much closer to each other, but windows disables color correction in eyefinity-mode. Or, am I missing something? Is it possible to get ICC-profiles apllied to displays in Eyefinity?

EDIT: Nvm, I guess, seems like it is possible to make it work if I apply profiles before I create the eyefinity group. :$

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