Widescreen Gaming Forum

Fix for inability to run in 5040x1050 - Official Thread
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Author:  greyalien007 [ 13 Aug 2008, 02:34 ]
Post subject:  cool, but...

So I can do 3x 1440x900, but if I want 3x 1680x1050 I have to drop the color to 16 from 32. It's super irritating as some programs won't run in 16. Any ideas on how to remedy? I have an xfx 9800gx2 and 3x lg l227wtg 22' panels. I know the system should support it.

Vista x64, quad core 9650ex

Author:  CyberCrist [ 13 Aug 2008, 02:59 ]
Post subject:  Re: cool, but...

So I can do 3x 1440x900, but if I want 3x 1680x1050 I have to drop the color to 16 from 32. It's super irritating as some programs won't run in 16. Any ideas on how to remedy? I have an xfx 9800gx2 and 3x lg l227wtg 22' panels. I know the system should support it.

Vista x64, quad core 9650ex

I've got it running in 32bit color and my specs are slower then yours, so you should be able to... are you using custom resolutions and are you running at 60Hz or 57? I found that when I tried to go to 60 I could only do 16bit color but once I went to 57 I got 32.

Author:  windturbin [ 13 Aug 2008, 03:22 ]
Post subject:  Fix for inability to run in 5040x1050 - Official Thread

Thank you Cybercrist, you are good! these instructions should have come with the TripleHead2Go Digital Edition Widescreen Resolution Software Download!

Although I am getting all the resolutions in my SGU for optimizing, IL2 Sturmovik-1946 still locks up when selecting any rez over 3840X1024. It must be the game I guess.

I did notice that when I view the SGU "View Cfg" I get this......

; #MATROXH (Replaced with User selected Resolution Height)
; #MATROXW (Replaced with User selected Resolution Width)
; #RESDEPENDENT._ (Replaced by a value based on the selected resolution)

SHORTCUTNAME=IL2 Sturmovik 1946



;Registry modifications must be in the following format:
;Registry KeyPath, Registry Name, Registry Data, Registry Type (Ex: REG_SZ, REG_DWORD, REG_BINARY)

;Config Name To Be Reference (Ex: CFG.1) = Cfg path (Ex: GameConfigFolderGameCfgFile.cfg)
;Usable KEYWORDS- See creating a recipe documentation.

I wonder what the


is all about? Can this be tinkered with?

Anyone else here fly in IL2?

Author:  greyalien007 [ 13 Aug 2008, 03:57 ]
Post subject:  Fix for inability to run in 5040x1050 - Official Thread

yeah it's running at 57, but still no love. I wonder if I goofed something up trying to make it work before this oh so helpful post we were gifted.

Author:  khula [ 13 Aug 2008, 18:15 ]
Post subject:  Fix for inability to run in 5040x1050 - Official Thread

The only game that supported 3840x1024 that I'm struggling with is Lord of the rings online. It allows me to select the resolution in game but the mouse acts all weird. I have to click a couple of centimetres to the right on any button to make it work.... anyone any ideas?

Author:  skipclarke [ 13 Aug 2008, 19:31 ]
Post subject:  Fix for inability to run in 5040x1050 - Official Thread

Do you get the same thing in both the 1680x1050 and 1440x900 resolutions? Maybe it just can't handle super wide? What about the 1440x900 option in Windowed Mode?

Author:  khula [ 13 Aug 2008, 19:34 ]
Post subject:  Fix for inability to run in 5040x1050 - Official Thread

Yeah, it's the same in both those resolutions.. It handled 3840x1024 perfectly. At the moment I've got it in 4080x768 which works fine with plenty of AA.

Now you mention it it works in a window at 5040x1050. How strange is that? I can't understand it....

Come to think of it, my native desktop resolution shows 4080x768 even though it's actually at 5040x1050... It seems Lotro is picking up the native desktop res rather than the desired one.... is there any way that I can make the native desktop resolution 5040x1050?

edited for further musings...

Author:  Mark B [ 27 Aug 2008, 23:08 ]
Post subject:  Fix for inability to run in 5040x1050 - Official Thread

If you are using Windows Vista 64 bit you should contact our tech support department and provide full details of your issue. I believe Vista 64 was a picky case that may require our help to resolve.


Author:  Doppleganger [ 29 Aug 2008, 06:21 ]
Post subject:  Fix for inability to run in 5040x1050 - Official Thread

I run Vista 64 on my system and I have a nVidia GTX 280. I got my desktop to display 5040x1050 but PowerDesk-SE mode list still won't show this res. I followed all the instructions in this thread and still nothing. I originally had 2 ATI 4870 cards in crossfire but the 5040x1050 res is not supported. Now I'm thinking I may just have to wait for a new driver from nVidia to fix this issue.
Any more suggestions or steps I may have missed?

Author:  CRiM [ 31 Aug 2008, 18:22 ]
Post subject:  Fix for inability to run in 5040x1050 - Official Thread

same problem here some games run but others dont allow me to bring up the new high resolutions!

running vista 64bit

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