Widescreen Gaming Forum

Worlds first Simulator with 6 projectors powered by the software Warpalizer
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Author:  Robert75 [ 13 Jul 2011, 01:54 ]
Post subject:  Worlds first Simulator with 6 projectors powered by the software Warpalizer

Here you can see the worlds first simulator with two rows with three projectors warped and edge blended from a single ATI card with six outputs with the only software, Warpalizer, that can do warping and edge blending on any number of rows and columns of projectors from a single PC.

The simulator is built by SimPit in New Zealand and uses back projection to get the tight construction and super high resolution. They also use a head tracker so that you can move around in the cockpit.

Author:  BHawthorne [ 13 Jul 2011, 02:40 ]
Post subject:  Link needs fixed. Check the

I experimented with 5 and 6-projector 5870 E6 using Sol7 Pro/SimVisuals in December 2010 as a proof of concept. Back then I was working directly with AMD on getting 5x1P and 5x1L out into the wild...which I'm happy to say did occur in the 10.12a driver. I'm currently reworking that proof of concept into a modular three section screen design. Each section is 120 degree two-projector arc. With three sections it makes a full 360 degree setup using 6 S3D projectors and NVIDIA 3D Vision kit. My interest is in S3D, not pixel count though. I'm going 720p, not 1080p on the projectors. It means S3D and more cost effective installation. 6-projector 1080p is out of reach for the average enthusiast hobby builder, while 6-projector 720p is easily half as expensive with better lumens ratings and S3D compatibility. :)

It's cool to see what new projects are being built. I'd like to see others keep pushing the boundaries of what is possible with COTS hardware. It's fun to see the possibilities in the consumer market. While commercial and military used to have all the cool toys, consumers now can shift the balance to their favor and do this stuff too in basements and game rooms.

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