chris686 wrote:
Haldi wrote:
Tutorial how to edit .ba2 filesThings you need:.ba2 un(re-)packer from here: (seems to be down, Reupload by myself:
The attachment QuickBMS is no longer available
JPEXS Free Flash Decompiler from here: original Fallout4 Interfaces.ba2 (or you can use
my modified version)
Thanks for posting this. I'm looking at it as we speak. There's no reason for every single person to have to patch their game individually, though.
I'm looking through the files and I can't find where Display rect is defined. If anyone can point me in the right direction, I think writing an auto patcher for the swf would be pretty easy. I have some code already written from my MGS V patch utility that could easily be re-used.
Quoting myself. I found out how to read it. This is a decompressed file. They are compressed with ZLib and can easily be decompressed with 7Zip.
If you're not a geek, you can probably skip this post.
The Hex dump in JPEXS shows the values, though the hex viewer is pretty crummy and seems slightly inaccurate. I'm writing this here for future readers.
Capture.PNG [ 51.28 KiB | Viewed 3557 times ]
The value in green is offset at address 9. This is where the displayRect starts. The value after 80 is the min. Somehow 80 is translated as 16 bits. I'm guessing UB is unsigned byte. 80 is 128, divided by 8 is 16? That's my best guess.
The next value, 00, zero obviously. This is the Xmin.
The next value is 6 bytes: 03 20 00. This is 204,800 in decimal. Divided by 8 is... 25,600!
If my assumptions are correct, the next max value is 01 C2 00, which should be 14,400 * 8, which is 115,200. In hex, that is 1C 20 00.
So... based on this info, I can write a patch utility. I'll post back when it's finished. I honestly would have done it a couple weeks ago, but I was waiting on someone else to write one.