ekrboi wrote:
I just tried your modded interface.ba2. I can load the game.. the main menu is still not right(don't know if you edited that or not) and then as soon as I press "play" i'm met with a black screen and the game crashes.
Uhgs... I've had one crash in-game after walking for about 5 meter but none other than that and I've tried about 4-6 different interfaces.ba2
Seems like the Odd/Even bug when force reimporting is still around -.- haven't started the game with the 48:9 interface yet. Just assume that if my 32:9 and my friends 21:9 work without issues it should just work.
Fixing this time around was way easier. Jpex and editing header + Moving the Interface to center. Only took about 45mins to edit the whole folder for 48:9.
But that was the last one I've done ^^ been at it for 5h straight so I knew what to edit and what not^^
But yeah... Without useful FoV a fixed interface is just a joke. I'm not entirely sure if the FoV is hardcoded or limited at 115. Maybe its Y FoV and not for the X Axis ... But on 32:9 it's barely playeable. gotta try some restarts and different settings next time.
I'm not really worried about the modified files.... As they are only for the interface it shouldn't really matter. But because the file size is still exactly the same so only a hash check could find a difference. And I doubt they so that to the whole 40gb of Data just to find some local tampering.