There are only two reasons I don't game on my TH2GO at the moment:
1. Compatibility issues with games.
2. Performance demands.
that's what I though at first.
hardware that can run games at triplehead resolution are getting cheaper and cheaper and faster and faster. so performance is not really a big problem. you can always revert back to single screen gaming if your rig can't handle it. (but i will be a 22" or 24" instead of a 37")
Thanks to this site and community. I found was to get triplehead working for about 80-85% of the games I play (though in my case most of the games are FPS/driving and came out recently to within past 4 years)
those that don't work. doesn't really matter or would be strange in triple head anyway like Raiden 3, bionic commando.
it do give new life to games.