Widescreen Gaming Forum

HD 4870 X2 + triplehead
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Author:  metalnwood [ 23 Jul 2009, 03:53 ]
Post subject:  HD 4870 X2 + triplehead

I downloaded all three things. First I installed the firmware. Then the matrox desktop 2.05.

It looked good at this stage because it allowed my to do 1440x900 which I could never get to work with my 2 x 4870's crosssfired.

I then loaded up the catalyst and can't even get that far. I cant even get my 3840x800 going again, it only allows me to go up to XXXXx768 whatever the x resolution is.

Really annoying.. I have an option for the higher resolutions but they are all at 60hz. When I try to apply the 3x 1440x900 I get a windows error.

The resolutions are only available in the matrox utility, I cant see them in catalyst.

Author:  metalnwood [ 23 Jul 2009, 04:15 ]
Post subject:  HD 4870 X2 + triplehead

OK, Success! You do need to install the catalyst before the powerdesk otherwise the catalyst seems to forget the options.

I have now got it at 5040x1050.

I am using 3x LG 24" monitors, I must say that the higher resolution is a lot softer then 3x 1440x900.

Given the x900 res looks clearer then the x1050 resolution I might live with that. Will need to try it in some games..

Unfortunately in IL2, may fav game I only get about 10-15 FPS at 5040x1050.

At 4320x900 I get 45-60. I might just end up staying at 3840x800 after all.

Hmm, a few hours later I noticed that since I made the changes my overclock had left me and I was running at 2ghz instead of 3.4, in fact I was running underclocked!

I fixed that and now my computer refuses to give me the bios screen anymore.. Argh, no its unplugged for 1/2 hour to see what happens when I turn it on.

Not that I am saying this is related but I wish I had never mucked around to begin with.. Strange that the install coincided with changes to my clock cycles..

Author:  MoRTiCuS [ 23 Jul 2009, 11:54 ]
Post subject:  HD 4870 X2 + triplehead

Be interested to give this a try again. I tried TH2G a while ago but didnt like it that much due to really stretched image in FPS on the side screens. now i'm getting into racing games i might be tempted to purchase a TH2G and a pair of 4890s :D (Still have the 3x2009w from before!).

Author:  thales100 [ 23 Jul 2009, 14:14 ]
Post subject:  HD 4870 X2 + triplehead

So ATI GPUs can run at 5040x1050 now eh ? :P

Author:  Leech75 [ 24 Jul 2009, 09:45 ]
Post subject:  ATI @ 5040x1050

Hey (/me new user .. w000hooo :S)

There have been a lot of talk about ATI not capable of running in 5040x1050.

3 weeks ago i resceived the TH2GO box from matrox, hooked it up to my 3 screens, on a 4870x2 gfx card.

BAM .. 5040x1050 on catalyst 9.6.

Just for the info,


Author:  xeq3 [ 29 Jul 2009, 13:07 ]
Post subject:  HD 4870 X2 + triplehead

2x Asus matrix ati HD4850 (crossfire)

It seems to work fine... now using catalyst 9.6 Powerdesk 2.5.20 with THV2 firmwire 6.56

using 5040x1050 flawless....

Author:  Gilly [ 29 Jul 2009, 18:06 ]
Post subject:  HD 4870 X2 + triplehead

sweet! and welcome you 2!!!

Author:  SuperGenius [ 12 Aug 2009, 01:51 ]
Post subject:  HD 4870 X2 + triplehead

New user here and another success with a 4870X2. I had been eyeing Matrox's DTH2Go and TrackIR for a couple years now. But no hires for ATI. When I saw Mark B's announcement, well, TrackIR and DTH2GO arrived a couple days ago, with 2 new monitors arriving today to match the one I had.
Plugged the thing in, ran the configurator thingy, and by Matrox it worked!!
5040 X 1050 on Ati 4870X2!!
Ever seen a grown man do a happy dance while giggling like a little girl?
So far I have played:

UT3 (needs some kind of fix, too zoomed in)
Half-Life 2 Episode 1 (worked perfect!!)
IL2 Sturmovic (works, but too zoomed in too)

So I have some work to figure these out and some other games I have that I will be replaying soon.
My specs are:

Intel D5400XS
2X Xeon 5450 @ 3.6
Ati 4870X2
3X Gateway FHD2400 (tested my one and it ran @ 59hz, so I got 2 more)

Anyway, this is just a heads-up for ATI owners and 59hz monitor owners that mine is working.

Off to play some more and figure out Field of View fixes...


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