Widescreen Gaming Forum

HL2 Crosshair - Was this ever solved?
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Author:  benquin [ 28 Aug 2008, 23:50 ]
Post subject:  HL2 Crosshair - Was this ever solved?

Time for an update.

First reply from Steam : Try crosshair 1 in the console.

Tried it - no joy.

Second reply : flush the steam directory and the half-life 2 sub-dir then restart, check your game cache and restart game.

Tried it - No joy.

Waiting for solution #3...

Author:  PapaLes [ 16 Nov 2008, 23:00 ]
Post subject:  HL2 Crosshair - Was this ever solved?

I haven't read the entire thread, sorry. I have a crosshair but it is a pale yellow and gets lost all the time with lighting. Is there a way to change the color? I am using the steam HL2 version.

Author:  Downtown1 [ 17 Nov 2008, 03:08 ]
Post subject:  HL2 Crosshair - Was this ever solved?

Have you tried cl_crosshair_color ? It takes an RGB argument, i.e. cl_crosshair_color "255 255 255" would give you black crosshair.

Author:  PapaLes [ 20 Nov 2008, 16:20 ]
Post subject:  HL2 Crosshair - Was this ever solved?

I tried your suggestion and got an "unknown command" but it turns out that the problem is with th2go using 3 screens. if I switch to a single screen I have an entirely diferent crosshair.
On a single screen I have the 4 dot crosshair with an arc on each side that makes it easy to see, but using th2go and 3 screens then I only have the 4 tiny dots that are hard to see. I don't know where the arc's go but they aren't there in triple screen.

BTW I run th2go at 4320x900

Author:  Edward@Nardella.ca [ 20 Nov 2008, 18:36 ]
Post subject:  HL2 Crosshair - Was this ever solved?

Actually it is not three screens, as there is no way for software to detect how many screens are hooked up to a single DVI or VGA port. It is the aspect ratio.

Author:  PapaLes [ 21 Nov 2008, 07:36 ]
Post subject:  HL2 Crosshair - Was this ever solved?

I understand that th2go is seen as a single screen. but that doesn't change the fact that I have different crosshairs when using a single screen vs. 3 screens. I think that the crosshair is treated the same as HUD so when I go 3 screen it is warped the same as menues so that I don't see the same as on single screen.

Author:  benquin [ 22 Nov 2008, 21:07 ]
Post subject:  HL2 Crosshair - Was this ever solved?

Just did a fresh install after a motherboard/CPU/video card change and still no crosshair for me.

I guess I could tape something in the middle of my middle screen...

Author:  PapaLes [ 22 Nov 2008, 21:45 ]
Post subject:  HL2 Crosshair - Was this ever solved?

run it in a single screen aspect ratio and let me know if you have one then. It may just need a color change which I did on mine to make it more visible. This site has a lot of info> http://www.bullseyecrosshairs.com/hl2sites2.shtm

Also this site has an installer that can change your crosshair shape and color (I couldn't get it to work on my Vista 64 but it's worth a try)> http://www.mishepsbasement.com/MiShepsCrosshair.htm

Author:  benquin [ 23 Nov 2008, 02:32 ]
Post subject:  HL2 Crosshair - Was this ever solved?

All 4:3 resolutions gives me a nice crosshair, all 16:9 resolution I get none.
I will look at the site you gave, thanks.

Author:  Cardnyl [ 15 Mar 2009, 15:42 ]
Post subject:  HL2 Crosshair - Was this ever solved?

Just to update on this apparently its still an issue that they have no solution for. Recently filed a trouble ticket to them and they told me to sit patient and watch the news page for information. For anyone else who is having this problem I recommend scotch taping a transparency sheet to the top of your center panel with the center marked with a marker using a game that actually does show a cursor. Flip the sheet into place as desired. Another low tech solution is a marked piece of clear scotch tape.

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