Mega Texture does not mean that all the textures are extremely detailed, it a term for how they render the textures. In that there is one REALLY BIG mega texture they fit over the whole areas. The reason for this is to reduce memory usage and increase performance, in other-words mega textures is designed to let the consoles run the game at 1080p60.
They have said they could increase the size of the mega textures so it renders better on the PC, and that it would require them to re-bake the textures, whether they will or not they've not said.
So there is one big texture file instead of a lot small ones ? Mhmmm, that's nagative for Texture mods isn't it ?
btw. Why does this game always use 100% CPU load and only ca 30% GPU load ? (C2D E8400 @4ghz, HD6970)
There is a difference in FPS between AA off and 8xAA..... 50fps to 25fps.... but i still don't get it. Does ID Tech v5 Engine work like that? thats somehow just crazy.
Well. thats not the only probleme -.- my game freezes every 30sec for 1-2 seconds. Completly unplayeable!