Widescreen Gaming Forum

Armed Assault 2
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Author:  Valk [ 02 Jul 2009, 22:48 ]
Post subject:  Armed Assault 2

What Thales said 8)

I did exactly the same thing a few days back and as long as you keep the cfg file as read only all you have to do is remember to set the res to 5040 each time you load up.

Oh and the wierd blurryness when you move or look about quickly is actually a feature and you can turn it off completely in the video options when you click on advanced... i think its called post processing.. makes it a lot easier having it turned off.

My CFG file (settings simply so the damn thing will load first without an error) reads as follows:


I then change all the settings once im in the game.

Author:  jayhigh [ 04 Jul 2009, 03:55 ]
Post subject:  Armed Assault 2

just installed WIndows Professional XP 64 bit..

same problem.

it only works if you start the Arma2 executable in single screen..

Author:  thales100 [ 04 Jul 2009, 04:04 ]
Post subject:  Armed Assault 2

just installed WIndows Professional XP 64 bit..

same problem.

it only works if you start the Arma2 executable in single screen..

Running Vista 32 bits its not necessary to launch game in single screen.

Author:  jayhigh [ 04 Jul 2009, 04:29 ]
Post subject:  Armed Assault 2

hey thales..
thanks for the replies...

SO YOUR TELLING ME THAT TH2G runs flawlessly on Vista x32? (with out having to set anything to read only?)

i am getting the direct 3d engine error with both XP 64bit, and Vista 64Bit, when the game executable is started with the config file set on triplehead resolution....

I rather the game run normal, than having to set the config file to read only and then change the resolution in game..

Author:  thales100 [ 04 Jul 2009, 11:31 ]
Post subject:  Armed Assault 2

I rather the game run normal, than having to set the config file to read only and then change the resolution in game..

Hey, no you still have to set the cfg to run the game at 3840x1024 (and the "read only" tip optionally) and turn the res up to 5040x1050 in game.
Its annoying, but the game runs perfectly at 5040x1050.

Author:  Mach1.9pants [ 15 Jul 2009, 00:53 ]
Post subject:  Armed Assault 2

Well I can get it running but I haven't figured how to get out of the flippin HUMVEE!

Author:  mattsimis [ 15 Jul 2009, 12:06 ]
Post subject:  Armed Assault 2

Press enter or move the mouse wheel up and down for Context sensitive options.

I find the Motion Blur fairly sickening (literally), turn it down and its cleaner. FPS is woeful at any detail setting at 5040x1050 for me with either 2x GTX260 (SLI) or 1x GTX280 (very overclocked..).
I think the issue is the game, not the hardware.

Running the latest patch (1.02.58134) and I can start in 5040 mode again (DX9 error gone).

Author:  thales100 [ 15 Jul 2009, 14:34 ]
Post subject:  Armed Assault 2

Im using a mod to disable only the motion blur (it makes almost impossible to play with trackIR) and keep the other post processing effects.
Running all very high 5040x1050 , including AA, game is only "playable" at 15-20 FPS. Btw i still get the 5040 error even after the latest patch / fix 1.02.58134.

Author:  baff [ 15 Jul 2009, 20:10 ]
Post subject:  Armed Assault 2

Anyone worked out how to move the HUD to the centre screen.
The bit with the flight data, height and speed?
I use TrackIR so everytime I check my speed or height coming into to land I start looking out the back of the helicopter instead of where I am trying to land.

Please shout out if you spot any suitable mods.

Author:  thales100 [ 15 Jul 2009, 20:31 ]
Post subject:  Armed Assault 2

x2 It would be nice, btw the game should have this option like Burnout Paradise i.e.

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