Widescreen Gaming Forum

Tomb Raider 2013
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Author:  Cinnabuns [ 09 Mar 2013, 11:57 ]
Post subject:  Re: Tomb Raider 2013

So I've read there are issues with blackscreen/crash with the newer Nvidia drivers however I am now running tessellation and haven't had a single issue thus far.
Also of note, there was a game update via Steam this morning and Nvidia is reportedly working on the tessellation issue though the driver I'm running has had no issues on GTX570.

Nvidia Driver version 310.90 whql
gtx570 sli
2600k @4.4Ghz

Game settings

Fullscreen on, Exclusive Fullscreen off
V-Sync Triple Buffer, Monitor Aspect ratio Auto
Quality Custom

Texture Quality High,
Post Processing Off (I don't like it but does not impact playable framerate when On)
High Precision Off
Texture Filter Anisotropic 8x
Tessellation On
Anti-Aliasing FXAA
Hair Quality Normal
Shadows Normal
Reflections High
Shadow Resolution Normal, can also run this on High but with the other settings it does add a tiny bit of sponginess to the mouse feel and I don't feel it adds anything to the world that I notice while in game
Depth of Field Off (not a fan of this either but have run it both ways and works fine)
Level of Detail Ultra
SSAO Normal

Game runs like a top with these settings on my rig, haven't experienced any slow downs yet, no glitchy sluggish moments or movements, its been flawless.
I am to the fourth base camp so far.

The games built-in "benchmark" feature reports 13-35fps??? with an avg just over 30.xxx but it doesn't feel that way at all for some reason. You can move your mouse as fast as you want left right, all the way around and there is no discernable frame lag ever and the bench mark doesn't even do anything except rotate around Lara standing on the coast. Wierd but I'm sticking with these settings, everything feels fluid so go figure.

Not sure on your issue Skip, you tried different drivers? What cards you running?

Author:  Frraksurred [ 10 Mar 2013, 08:36 ]
Post subject:  Re: Tomb Raider 2013

GitDat wrote:
Anyone having problems knowing which buttons to mash? If a wolf tackles her I keep dying. Same with the sequence when some guy chokes her, lol. I just see a red button but it doesn't tell me what it is :doh:

Had this same issue. Sometimes you have to spam your left and right movement keys, if you get that right, then it is generally your melee button. What tripped me up was the timing, you have to watch the two circles that pop up on the screen. The larger one collapses in on the smaller one. You have to strike the melee button when both circles are the same size. This can also be affected by fps. I'm one of the "unfortunate" Nvidia owners, so I was only getting low 20's. I often had to reduce my settings from Ultimate to Normal in order for it to recognize the button press.


Cinnabuns wrote:
So I've read there are issues with blackscreen/crash with the newer Nvidia drivers however I am now running tessellation and haven't had a single issue thus far.
Also of note, there was a game update via Steam this morning and Nvidia is reportedly working on the tessellation issue though the driver I'm running has had no issues on GTX570.

From what I've been reading, it is primarily affecting the 600 series. I have the 680 4Gb @ 2560x1600 and am not getting the crashes, but am experiencing low fps (low 20's) and frequent pauses when saving and entering new areas. Outside of the low shadow resolution, even at the highest settings, I think the game looks great. The like the hair, but will like it more when Nvidia and Crystal Dynamics can sort things out.

Author:  Cinnabuns [ 10 Mar 2013, 15:45 ]
Post subject:  Re: Tomb Raider 2013

GitDat wrote:
Anyone having problems knowing which buttons to mash? If a wolf tackles her I keep dying. Same with the sequence when some guy chokes her, lol. I just see a red button but it doesn't tell me what it is :doh:

This was already explained by other posters and the way I finally figured it out was by going to the Options/Keyboard controls

In that section of the options where you can bind keys it shows clearly

! = F (default)
[hand icon] = E (default)

Not very intuitive the way they chose to do it but the info is there.

Author:  GitDat [ 10 Mar 2013, 18:05 ]
Post subject:  Re: Tomb Raider 2013

Looks like there was a patch but I'm still getting flickering hair with TressFX on.

Author:  Slinky [ 11 Mar 2013, 03:46 ]
Post subject:  Re: Tomb Raider 2013

I think I may be one of the only people who are getting CTDs with an AMD card. Is no one else having to deal with the game constantly crashing?

Author:  Oraijon [ 11 Mar 2013, 11:31 ]
Post subject:  Re: Tomb Raider 2013

Well i also dove into TR this Sunday (finally) and so far loving the gameplay :)
Though the QTE's tend to be a pain in the ass...

I've run into a few technical issues as well though, to keep things playable i had to drag texture filtering to ani x1 and turn off SSAO (thankfully only minor things since i hardly notice the difference). With vsync off and AA off i'm running the game on 25-45 fps (most of the time it stays between 30 and 38) which is fluent enough for me :)

I did notice some weird glitches with textures and lightning where things sort of shift right a bit and then snap back to how they are supposed to be (kind of hard to explain), but that seemed fixed when i upped AA to FXAA, which didnt really seem to put a dent in my FPS.

I also have the black screen freeze though, but so far it only happened twice. The game just freezes entirely and the screens turn black (second time the image recovered on only the right screen), core speeds of both videocards dropped back to 500 MHz and it dumped the memory (went from ~2000 MB down to like 100 MB). I could still CTRL+ALT+DEL but after clicking anything there everything just froze, which left me turning it off and on again as the only option.

Thankfully that only seems to happen after about 3 hours of play, i've not noticed any progress loss either.

Author:  Arkhchance [ 11 Mar 2013, 19:44 ]
Post subject:  Re: Tomb Raider 2013

Does the patch work for you ?
I've tried TressFX but I still got lara's hair completly screwed up & 15fps max. Without TressFx I got around 90fps but in 2/3 minutes the game crash & windows as well, I have to reset.
I'm running 3 x gtx680 in 6040*1080 (bezel correction) with 314.07 drivers. I hope nvdia is gonna fix this....

http://tof.canardpc.com/view/f488c1c0-0 ... fcee85.jpg with patch

Author:  Cinnabuns [ 13 Mar 2013, 17:28 ]
Post subject:  Re: Tomb Raider 2013

That may be a Tri-SLi issue or a Tri-SLi 680 issue as I'm running 2 card SLi 570s and not had 1 single crash and I'm nearly done with the game.

Author:  Arkhchance [ 16 Mar 2013, 02:14 ]
Post subject:  Re: Tomb Raider 2013

Okay I think I need some help.
I got 3 gtx 680 with 3 120Hz monitor ( dunno if it changes anything but I'm hopeless ) in 6040*1080
I just install the new nvidia beta driver 314.21 witch is supposed to fix tomb raider performance. The thing is if I run the game in full screen lara's hair with tress fx are fucked upand i got really low fps . But If I run the game in windowed mode in 1920*1080 then everything is ok ( 85pfs all setting to max ).
If someone understand my problem....

Author:  teardropmina [ 16 Mar 2013, 03:26 ]
Post subject:  Re: Tomb Raider 2013

Arkhchance wrote:
Okay I think I need some help.
I got 3 gtx 680 with 3 120Hz monitor ( dunno if it changes anything but I'm hopeless ) in 6040*1080
I just install the new nvidia beta driver 314.21 witch is supposed to fix tomb raider performance. The thing is if I run the game in full screen lara's hair with tress fx are fucked upand i got really low fps . But If I run the game in windowed mode in 1920*1080 then everything is ok ( 85pfs all setting to max ).
If someone understand my problem....

TressFX effect is broken (hair is rendered incorrectly) in Nvidia Surround from the start. apparently the new driver doesn't help.

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