Widescreen Gaming Forum

BFBC2 Crash to Desktop using either Surround or Eyefinity
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Author:  asuddendeath [ 15 May 2011, 22:01 ]
Post subject:  Re: BFBC2 Crash to Desktop using either Surround or Eyefinity

any updates?

Author:  krog [ 15 May 2011, 23:42 ]
Post subject:  Re: BFBC2 Crash to Desktop using either Surround or Eyefinity

any updates?

Ya really I had to finally start Playing with only 1 screen on both my PC's. Both my ATI trifire 6950's in eyeinfinity and my tri sli 580 in surround both CTD in only this Damn game!

Author:  tet5uo [ 16 May 2011, 20:04 ]
Post subject:  Re: BFBC2 Crash to Desktop using either Surround or Eyefinity

The brass at EA must have them working too hard on BF3. No idea still except for R11 is indeed being worked on.

I think DICE has borrowed clocks from Valve.

Author:  Monster [ 18 May 2011, 08:33 ]
Post subject:  Re: BFBC2 Crash to Desktop using either Surround or Eyefinity

The brass at EA must have them working too hard on BF3. No idea still except for R11 is indeed being worked on.

I think DICE has borrowed clocks from Valve.

Nope, DICE just has the worst QA process in the world. Remember when they removed tracers from bullets by accident (which took several weeks to fix)? Honestly, how is that even possible? What does their QA process entail that they can't even realize that the tracers are missing? If they bothered to play the game for 5 minutes they would realize that. They expect us to believe that they need to test these patches for months and then they miss something that can be noticed in minutes? Hmmm... yeah, I don't think so.

Also, not patching the game to fix issues because you're afraid of other issues cropping up isn't a good excuse. If I try that on my boss, he would fire me on the spot. Write good code, and test it thoroughly. Apparently, this is too much to ask from DICE.

Author:  Paradigm Shifter [ 18 May 2011, 10:26 ]
Post subject:  Re: BFBC2 Crash to Desktop using either Surround or Eyefinity

Apparently, this is too much to ask from DICE.

To be fair, it seems like this is too much to ask of nearly every game dev. Has been for years - ever since the internet got popular and they could just patch any screwups.

Author:  Ristogod [ 18 May 2011, 13:28 ]
Post subject:  Re: BFBC2 Crash to Desktop using either Surround or Eyefinity

It's now been well over 6 months since the issue was brought to attention, followed by them stating they had a fix and then nothing since. I can't imagine one good reason at this point if they fix it why I would play it now when so many other good games are available and BF3 itself is near 6 months away. Thanks for nothing DICE.

How much do you want to bet that the same issue will be in BF3, or something worse?

Author:  asuddendeath [ 21 May 2011, 21:45 ]
Post subject:  Re: BFBC2 Crash to Desktop using either Surround or Eyefinity

It's now been well over 6 months since the issue was brought to attention, followed by them stating they had a fix and then nothing since. I can't imagine one good reason at this point if they fix it why I would play it now when so many other good games are available and BF3 itself is near 6 months away. Thanks for nothing DICE.

How much do you want to bet that the same issue will be in BF3, or something worse?

Just like all EA games. Recall how bad BF2 was for a while. BF3 is gonna be some sweet shit but im sure it will have its issues too. oh well lol

Author:  Hanmat [ 05 Jun 2011, 22:54 ]
Post subject:  Re: BFBC2 Crash to Desktop using either Surround or Eyefinity

New Nvidia drivers are available . I have installed and so far so good . Fingers crossed :)

Author:  tet5uo [ 06 Jun 2011, 19:40 ]
Post subject:  Re: BFBC2 Crash to Desktop using either Surround or Eyefinity

Strange.. they didn't think the issue could be fixed without an application update... Crossing my fingers for you too.

And c'mon DICE, I know they must have all hands on deck for BF3, but at least put out r11 already!

Author:  Mach1.9pants [ 07 Jun 2011, 01:03 ]
Post subject:  Re: BFBC2 Crash to Desktop using either Surround or Eyefinity

Oh really? I will try that soon to. Been playing Portal 2, thanks for the heads up.

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