Widescreen Gaming Forum

TripleHead2Go with OSX?
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Author:  danviento [ 23 Jul 2006, 19:35 ]
Post subject:  TripleHead2Go with OSX?

The official word from Matrox is that they have not tested and don not offer support for OS X. Their special application is only written for windows, and they haven't bothered to broaden their horizons other than to go through the rigamarole of syncing compatibility with new ATI cards. Purportedly, this box makes three separate monitors appear as one wide resolution monitor to the OS and graphics driver. No one seems to be able to tell me how OSX reacts to it, and I'd like to know.

It's max resolution with the combined displays weighs in at just under 4 million pixels, so I'm going to assume my Powerbook can drive it since it's supposed to support Apple's 30" display. However, I am also curios how the DVI to VGA conversion works. Should one just convert from DVI -> VGA to the box and keep the VGA signal when sending it out from the box to the displays, or does it display better when you convert the VGA signal back to DVI after it leaves the box and goes to the displays? I ask this in trying to decide what kind of displays I'd be looking at getting should the TripleHead2GO be a viable option.

So, in summary, does the product work with OSX? If so, what's the best way to handle DVI and VGA signal conversion, and what monitors would you suggest to use with it?

Also, is there still the widescreen gaming option available with OSX? I'm reading that the software included with the unit is said to tell the game that it needs to add another available resolution for games like World of Warcraft (although I think Blizzard may have made that game smarter by checking the resoltion supported by the OS instead of only its set list.)

Author:  skipclarke [ 27 Aug 2006, 23:29 ]
Post subject:  TripleHead2Go with OSX?

The issue isn't with Matrox, it is with how ATI handles it's drivers. As noted from the Matrox website:

* ATI Radeon graphics disable D3D caps in desktop resolutions above 2048 x 1536.

I did hear that people had gotten the TH2Go to work on the Mac. Problem will be with the pixel pushing power of that old of a card, and the overall issues with ATI.

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