Widescreen Gaming Forum

Crysis ... ea released the wrong demo ?
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Author:  njracer [ 02 Nov 2007, 03:38 ]
Post subject:  Crysis ... ea released the wrong demo ?

it appears that ea might have released the wrong demo, the demo we've all downloaded has the entire story in it and also more stuff then it was suppose to have, check out this article, plus they also give you a site for different boards.


Author:  Dem Pyros [ 02 Nov 2007, 03:47 ]
Post subject:  Crysis ... ea released the wrong demo ?

One month to fix it up and they still screw it over......

Author:  JosephJEHancock [ 02 Nov 2007, 03:56 ]
Post subject:  Crysis ... ea released the wrong demo ?

Heard of this a while ago. Funny stuff really. If anything, it makes me more eager for the game, from the cool stuff in the editor.

Author:  skeeder [ 02 Nov 2007, 06:20 ]
Post subject:  Crysis ... ea released the wrong demo ?

same here, I'm not playing hte demo in the hopes of something fresh for once....

Author:  Paddy the Wak [ 02 Nov 2007, 08:49 ]
Post subject:  Crysis ... ea released the wrong demo ?

Can you imagine the uproar if they now lock out the config edits to stop you getting the DirectX 10 and Vista-only graphical effects stuff in DirectX 9 and XP.

Author:  TheSmJ [ 02 Nov 2007, 09:15 ]
Post subject:  Crysis ... ea released the wrong demo ?

I new about all this stuff and thought it was all done intentionally. I had a lot of fun playing with the extra stuff in the editor and look forward to that and more in the full game. If it wasn't for the editable config files I wouldn't have been able to fine tune my settings the way I like. Made a lot of sense having them there IMO.

As for the DX10 stuff being made available in DX9, I don't see how that harms EA or Crytek.

Author:  redgun [ 02 Nov 2007, 09:34 ]
Post subject:  Crysis ... ea released the wrong demo ?

it harms M$ as they want to sell vista, which has only limited advantagess so far. now that the major reason for anyone to buy vista (DX10) is available under XP, the 'advantages' of vista are even fewer.

Author:  g00seberry [ 02 Nov 2007, 12:54 ]
Post subject:  Crysis ... ea released the wrong demo ?

I thought this was intentional. Crytek always said they were gonna release the full editor with the demo so people can get started on making mods and new maps straight away. Having the entire game script there might be a slip up though...

Author:  MobsterOO7 [ 02 Nov 2007, 15:09 ]
Post subject:  Crysis ... ea released the wrong demo ?

it harms M$ as they want to sell vista, which has only limited advantagess so far. now that the major reason for anyone to buy vista (DX10) is available under XP, the 'advantages' of vista are even fewer.

What advantages? From what I hear Vista isn't any better for games than XP. Check out this Gamespot article, from those comparison images I see a at best minimal improvement in eye candy and a significant reduction in frames per second.

Also, I found another article on DX 10 vs DX 9. No frames per second values but it shows the image comparison, in Bioshock. It only supports my position that DX 10 has a long way to go before it even remotely impresses me.

Author:  Vroshnak [ 02 Nov 2007, 15:29 ]
Post subject:  Crysis ... ea released the wrong demo ?

The title of this thread may want to mention what game this is about?

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