Widescreen Gaming Forum

Centered HUD for Team Fortress 2
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Author:  Fudgemaker17 [ 23 Feb 2008, 00:09 ]
Post subject:  Centered HUD for Team Fortress 2

Hello everyone, I've been reading these forums and getting information from them well over a year now and sadly, this is my first post. I've had my triplehead2go for about a year and I first want to say thank you to all those that have provided solutions to make games better in triplehead2go resolutions.

I've always felt a little bad that I couldn't help contribute with making games better with FOV's and Centered Huds, because I'm not a programmer or script writer, but browsing around the forums this week, I saw an area I can help contribute too!

Mobster007 posted his CS: S centered HUD in this topic here.

I took a a look at the changes in the script and figured, hey I can do that! So a friend and I sat down and started working on the changes and we've got the hud cenetered in TF2. This fix only works for 3840X1024


Place the script file in your Steamsteamappsteam fortress 2tfscripts if you don't have a script folder, create one.

I'm currently working on changes for Half-life 2, episode 1 and 2. I don't own DoD: S to be able to work on that right now. But I hope everyone enjoys the TF2 script.

Author:  Paddy the Wak [ 23 Feb 2008, 00:31 ]
Post subject:  Centered HUD for Team Fortress 2

Great stuff ! ... 8)
Welcome to the forum ... :D

Author:  Mark B [ 23 Feb 2008, 04:04 ]
Post subject:  Centered HUD for Team Fortress 2

Awesome Stuff! I'll let Valve know to take a look at this.


Author:  MobsterOO7 [ 23 Feb 2008, 08:18 ]
Post subject:  Centered HUD for Team Fortress 2

Does this file also work with the mini-hud enabled?

BTW great job, I took a crack at it and didn't get nearly this far. I miss the hud script for CSS... it was so much simpler. :(

Are there any hud elements that this file does not move to the center screen?

wow im so stupid. I could've done this months ago. I had tried going about it by editing the file for each individual hud element. Only got as far as getting the health numbers to move :evil:

Minimode has an issue with the ammo element. I'll leave fixing it up to you though since your the author Fudgemaker.

The red area of course being the center screen.

Author:  Downtown1 [ 28 Feb 2008, 00:46 ]
Post subject:  Centered HUD for Team Fortress 2

This is awesome. I've been waiting for this one for a while. Keep up the good work Fudgemaker17!

EDIT: I suggest people make the file read-only after they put it into their scripts folder, since my file got deleted by itself one time for some reason.

Author:  Tucson [ 04 Mar 2008, 06:32 ]
Post subject:  Centered HUD for Team Fortress 2

You're going to be real popular around here if you keep it up. Thx.

Author:  Downtown1 [ 05 Mar 2008, 21:31 ]
Post subject:  Centered HUD for Team Fortress 2

Ok, this inspired me to try to make my own Pirates Vikings Knight II (2.0) fixed HUD.

This is what I've figured out so far..

X,Y coordinates are mapped to a 640x480 rectangle and stretched to any other resolution. "r" and "c" may be prepended to a coordinate to make it justify to the right or center accordingly. (I assume r just adds 640 to the coordinate, c just adds 320 to the coordinate when it comes to horizontals).

"wide" and "tall" attributes do not seem to matter.

So are my thoughts correct so far? All one would need is to do is to add 213 pixels (1/3 of 640) to the "xpos" "x" values and subtract 213 pixels to the "xpos" "-x" values to make it work on 3 monitors.

Would it always map the coordinates to 640x480? Or is there some values in the HudLayout.res that can be changed to make it map to some arbitrary resolution?

Also is there any way I can get the default HudLayout.res? For mods it is in the scripts folder, but for Valve games it is not.


EDIT: After playing around with the HudLayout.res of PVK2 I see that the mapping thing for 640x480 doesn't really hold up. I had to add ~600 pixels to items to move them to the right, and add ~600 to rX items to move them to the left. I wish there was a way to know this in advance instead of just experimenting.

Is it is supposed to be possible to move the chat to the side? The TF2 hud does not do do that (but it moves almost everything else to the middle).

Anyway, I've moved the health bar/armor bar/charge bar to the middle, the ammo count to the middle, and the score/timer to the middle. The only problem is the score/timer is 3 icons but they're really far apart so the pirate icon overlaps with the charge bar. Is there a way to control distance between icons for HUD items that consist of more than 1 icon?

Author:  MobsterOO7 [ 13 Apr 2008, 07:29 ]
Post subject:  Centered HUD for Team Fortress 2

To fix minimode with this file go to the ammo hud element near the top and modify this line

   "xpos_minmode"   "c210"   [$WIN32]

The 210 is the new value. 235 has it cut off by the bezels.

Happy triplehead!

Author:  Downtown1 [ 07 May 2008, 00:47 ]
Post subject:  Centered HUD for Team Fortress 2


With new goldrush update it seems using this script makes the metal count for Engineers disappear.

Also in tournament mode (mp_tournament 1) you can press F4 to start the tournament, but the window that pops up when you hit F4 is invisible.

Author:  Downtown1 [ 11 Dec 2008, 16:51 ]
Post subject:  Centered HUD for Team Fortress 2

Hi all,

I updated the HUD for 3840x1024... works with latest version, works with tournament mode, arena mode, etc. Basically I'm pretty sure everything works for TF2 as of today.

Let me know if something doesn't!

(scroll down for the latest url)

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