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Author:  gatsat [ 27 Aug 2008, 17:49 ]
Post subject:  FSX and TH2GO

What is the best resolution for three 22" monitors running through a TH2GO Digi powered by a 9800GTX card in FSX ?

Author:  Yui [ 27 Aug 2008, 18:44 ]
Post subject:  reply

Always run at the native resolution. Just lower autogen for smoother fps.

Author:  gatsat [ 27 Aug 2008, 20:18 ]
Post subject:  Re: reply

Always run at the native resolution. Just lower autogen for smoother fps.

That's the thing. My monitor's native is 1680x1050@60 ... the TH2GO will do 5040x1050@57 The monitors throw the error message and I don't see a setting for 5040x1050 in FSX anywhere.

Is the autogen a setting in FSX ? I know of the different 'sliders' that control different graphics settings, ie: airplane, weather, traffic, etc ... but I am not familiar with one setting that would lower everything.

I'm a newb. :?

Author:  Yui [ 27 Aug 2008, 20:29 ]
Post subject:  reply

I've heard there are still some problems/issues for triple 22" monitors with the TH2Go. There's nothing you can do about that for now but lower your reslution to the second highest available. Autogen is an FSX setting and is not related to the TH2Go.

Author:  gatsat [ 27 Aug 2008, 21:12 ]
Post subject:  Re: reply

I've heard there are still some problems/issues for triple 22" monitors with the TH2Go. There's nothing you can do about that for now but lower your reslution to the second highest available. Autogen is an FSX setting and is not related to the TH2Go.

Ok, I guess the next resolution is 4320 x 900 (3 x 1440 x 900) ... I will try that.
Thanks for the help ! :D

One other question, when I go to the 2-D cockpit it is stretched out real bad. Is this normal ? TIA !

Author:  garcol [ 27 Aug 2008, 21:46 ]
Post subject:  FSX and TH2GO

What kind of monitors do you have? Iam in process of buying three and want to be sure to get full resolutions.
If I missed your type of monitor, sorry my bad.

Author:  gatsat [ 27 Aug 2008, 21:51 ]
Post subject:  FSX and TH2GO

What kind of monitors do you have? Iam in process of buying three and want to be sure to get full resolutions.
If I missed your type of monitor, sorry my bad.

I am using Samsung Syncmasters 2253bw. I like the 22"... but had I known there was an issue with them and the TH2GO I would have avoided them. This is of course my fault for not studying this a bit before I hauled off and made the purchase. I hope it get's cleared up.

Author:  Mark B [ 27 Aug 2008, 22:51 ]
Post subject:  FSX and TH2GO

We have indeed identified a small problem with the SGU's optimization of 3x1440x900 and 3x1680x1050 modes with FSX in certain scenarios. We are working to resolve the issue immediately.

If you have difficulties accessing the new modes in FSX, please contact our tech support department to elaborate on your specific configuration and what you are experiencing.


Author:  gatsat [ 27 Aug 2008, 23:05 ]
Post subject:  FSX and TH2GO

We have indeed identified a small problem with the SGU's optimization of 3x1440x900 and 3x1680x1050 modes with FSX in certain scenarios. We are working to resolve the issue immediately.

If you have difficulties accessing the new modes in FSX, please contact our tech support department to elaborate on your specific configuration and what you are experiencing.


Is 3x1680x1050 available in FSX ? I can get it on my Windows desktop, just not inside FSX.

Also, will you be releasing a driver that is capable of 3x1680x1050@60 instead of 57 ? Thanks !

Author:  Mark B [ 27 Aug 2008, 23:58 ]
Post subject:  FSX and TH2GO

Hi gatsat,

If you're getting the 3x1680x1050 in Windows but not in FSX, it's likely because your monitor inf file has not been updated to report Th2Go.

Look in your display settings to see if your monitor is listed as "plug and play" or "GXM". If it is detected as plug and play and not gxm, when the game does a mode call to list the resolutions in-game, the new widemodes won't show up.

Feel free to contact our tech support department so they can walk you through the proper process to resolve this "plug and play" detection.

The simple rule of thumb is to get all your hardware setup and updated (i.e. graph card + drivers), THEN make sure you do a clean install of Powerdesk (i.e. you MUST UNINSTALL IT COMPLETELY BEFORE REINSTALLING THE UPDATED VERSION). Doing a fresh uninstall and reinstall of Powerdesk usually fixes the monitor detection problem.

The correct process will yield the detection of a Matrox GXM in the monitor settings rather than a plug and play monitor. If you get this far and are still having problems definitely contact tech support. We'll want to know more details so we can recreate the issue and resolve it.

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