Widescreen Gaming Forum

Issue with EVO textures and SOFTTH
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Author:  Starbuck [ 29 Oct 2008, 01:54 ]
Post subject:  Issue with EVO textures and SOFTTH

Hey Guys,

I know there is not alot of racers here but I thought I would ask.

I have set up three 22" Viewsonic monitors and two 8800GT's to have a crack at getting SOFTTH running.

It works great for RFactor!

In GTR EVO the intro works, menus work but ingame the textures seem to have a priority issue.

Background textures are in front of road textures, cars are just shadows with taillights and partial wheel hubs. I have tried different configs but this seems to be something else I am missing.

Just looking for a hint or two as to what might be the issue. A picture is worth a thousand words, so -


; SoftTH configuration file
; by Kegetys

; deviceIDLeft/right: Direct3D device ID's of left and right monitor, or 'auto' for automatic
; secondaryWidth/Height: Left & right monitor resolution, or 'auto' to use same as middle screen resolution
; secondaryRefresh: Refresh rate of left & right monitors, or 'auto' for automatic
; secondaryFormat: Secondary device image format, 'RGB32', 'RGB16' or 'YUV12'.
; antialiasing: Level of forced anti-aliasing
; anisotropic: Level of forced anisotropic filtering
; borderSize: Size in pixels of frame border between monitors that is discarded
; noHotkeys: Set to 1 to disable all hotkeys

; ** Advanced setting for Direct3D games **
; cylindicalCorretionAngle: Amount of cylindrical correction done, use with sideExtraWidth
; hideNondefaultDevices: Hides all but the default adapter from the game
; forceHorizontalFOV: Forces horizontal FOV to be three times as wide
; forceResolutionWidth/Height: Forces device to be created with this resolution
; force16bitDepth: Force game to use 16bit depth buffer, can improve performance and reduce memory use
; sleepBeforeRead: Time in ms to sleep before reading back buffer data from video card
; useMultihead: Uses multihead features of primary card if available, can increase performance and reduce memory use
; Set to 2 to force multihead initialization even if game doesn't create device with TH resolution
; delayedPresent: When useMultihead enabled, delay primary monitor present to sync with secondary head
; swapOrder: Swap order at which the frame contents are copied
; autoSquash: Automatically squash output to middle monitor if only pretransformed (GUI) elements are drawn
; d3d8dll: Path to D3D8.dll/D3D9.dll to use or auto for automatic (system32 dir)

; Win32 API hooking settings - Used for some extra compatibility and game-specific fixes
; doHooking: Enable/disable hooks in Direct3D, with OpenGL hooks are always enabled
; doScaleMouseCoordinates: Scale mouse coordinates for getCursorPos to fix games which do not handle negative screen coordinates properly
; doScaleFromLeftScreen: Spread out mouse coordinates from left screen to full width
; doScaleWindowRects: Scale game window rectangle to triplehead size
; mouseXoffset: Number of pixels to offset mouse cursor position in X axis, to fix misplaced cursor due to negative screen coordinates. auto = use X resolution

; Triplehead screenmodes to add to resolutions list (width multiplied by 3 and border added)
; Must be last in this file

SoftTH: SoftTH v1.07 by Kegetys (D3D9)
SoftTH: Loading configuration C:Documents and SettingsMarkSoftTH.cfg
SoftTH: Can't open config C:Documents and SettingsMarkSoftTH.cfg
SoftTH: Loading configuration c:program filessteamsteamappsstarbuccrace 07SoftTH.cfg
SoftTH: Load DLL C:WINDOWSsystem32d3d9.dll (auto)
SoftTH: Activating Win32 hooks...
STHook: Hooks: Attached
SoftTH: Direct3DCreate9 (ver 32)
SoftTH: Adapter 0: nv4_disp.dll, NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT with SoftTH v1.07 by Kegetys (D3D9)
SoftTH: Adapter 1: nv4_disp.dll, NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT
SoftTH: Adapter 2: nv4_disp.dll, NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT
SoftTH: Added mode 1920x480 f3C
SoftTH: Added mode 2400x600 f3C
SoftTH: Added mode 3072x768 f3C
SoftTH: Added mode 3840x960 f3C
SoftTH: Added mode 4800x1200 f3C
SoftTH: CreateDevice 3840x1024 60Hz 21bf 80df
SoftTH: Focus window: 'GTR Evolution'
SoftTH: Triplehead mode requested (3840x1024 60Hz), enabling TH
SoftTH: Warning! App enforced Antialiasing.
SoftTH: Validating settings
SoftTH: Added mode 1920x480 f3C
SoftTH: Added mode 2400x600 f3C
SoftTH: Added mode 3072x768 f3C
SoftTH: Added mode 3840x960 f3C
SoftTH: Added mode 4800x1200 f3C
SoftTH: Multihead detected on left device
SoftTH: 1 backbuffer(s): 1280x1024
SoftTH: SwapEffect 1, PP Flags 00000000, Behaviour Flags 00000044
SoftTH: Using multihead on left device
SoftTH: Creating window (pos -1680x0, size 1280x1024)
SoftTH: Creating additional device windows
SoftTH: Monitor left: -1280x0
SoftTH: Monitor right: 1280x0
SoftTH: Focus window: 328034 GTR Evolution
SoftTH: Creating window (pos 1280x0, size 1280x1024)
SoftTH: Creating device right..
SoftTH: initStuff, Reset main device
SoftTH: Reset main device (1280x1024) FOO
SoftTH: Releasing additional surfaces
SoftTH: Creating window (pos 1280x0, size 1280x1024)
SoftTH: Reset OK
SoftTH: Reset return main device (1280x1024) FOO
SoftTH: initStuff, Reset main device done
SoftTH: GetBackBuffer..
SoftTH: Creating additional surfaces
SoftTH: Create new backbuffer... (3840x1024, f21, ms1)
SoftTH: Creating depth buffer.. (3840x1024, f80)
SoftTH: Creating tmpTex (2560x1024, f21)...
SoftTH: Creating tmpTexSH (1280x1024, f21)...
SoftTH: Creating tmpTexB (1280x1024, f21)...
SoftTH: Triplehead: cr: 1280x1024, sr: 1280x1024
SoftTH: InitStuff done
SoftTH: numRefsFreeDevice: 7
SoftTH: CreateDevice return (3840x1024)
STHook: Hooks: Detached
SoftTH: ProxyDLL deinit
SoftTH: ProxyDLL Exit

Thanks for any help!!

Author:  Starbuck [ 29 Oct 2008, 05:27 ]
Post subject:  Issue with EVO textures and SOFTTH

DOH!! :roll:

Ok....how come none of you flame masters have not pointed out my noob mistake yet?

It's the Anti Aliasing I had it set to level 4. I saw the warning in the log file but thought surely that is not it (mainly because I hate the stair steps) but it was.

So, if you get a picture like that above turn off the AA.

Please feel free to inform me if you have GTR EVO & SOFTTH running with AA on, cause I sure want to myself.

Edit - ok...ok so you have to set AA in the .cfg to the level you use in the game.

Author:  geniv2 [ 11 Nov 2008, 19:30 ]
Post subject:  Issue with EVO textures and SOFTTH

DOH!! :roll:

Ok....how come none of you flame masters have not pointed out my noob mistake yet?

It's the Anti Aliasing I had it set to level 4. I saw the warning in the log file but thought surely that is not it (mainly because I hate the stair steps) but it was.

So, if you get a picture like that above turn off the AA.

Please feel free to inform me if you have GTR EVO & SOFTTH running with AA on, cause I sure want to myself.

Edit - ok...ok so you have to set AA in the .cfg to the level you use in the game.

since you already have 3 monitors consider getting the Th2g. it's a no compromise surround gaming experience.

I used SoftTH before too and the Th2G matrox is a world of difference.

glad u got your game working though.

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