Widescreen Gaming Forum

CoD 4 - Stretching @ 5040 x 1050?
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Author:  L2Phantom [ 16 Dec 2008, 05:43 ]
Post subject:  CoD 4 - Stretching @ 5040 x 1050?

Hi guys,

I just purchased CoD4 to have fun with my TripleHead, but when I set it to 5040 x 1050 in game it is very stretched almost as if its running at 3820 x 1024 or whatever that setting is.

I could have swore I saw screenshots of people playing that game here at 5040, do you have any idea how I get this to work?

Thanks for your time and help once again WSGF.

Author:  Yui [ 16 Dec 2008, 06:38 ]
Post subject:  rply

Are you using the widescreenfixer program? If so, just adjust the settings.

Author:  L2Phantom [ 16 Dec 2008, 08:32 ]
Post subject:  CoD 4 - Stretching @ 5040 x 1050?

Actually I've never heard of this, can you help me?

Thanks for your response too.

Author:  dopefish [ 17 Dec 2008, 02:40 ]
Post subject:  CoD 4 - Stretching @ 5040 x 1050?



Author:  L2Phantom [ 17 Dec 2008, 07:27 ]
Post subject:  CoD 4 - Stretching @ 5040 x 1050?

Wow so this is the legendary Dopefish, thanks for the post.

When I downloaded the one in bold (recommended one for online play) it only showed up with Bioshock and the Battlefields, is there a different one im supposed to download for CoD 4?

Thanks man.

Author:  dopefish [ 17 Dec 2008, 08:08 ]
Post subject:  CoD 4 - Stretching @ 5040 x 1050?

1.32 is recommended for use with BF2 and BF2142 online.

You'll have to use a newer version (the latest will do) to play CoD4.

You won't be able to play it online in TH with the fixer, though. You'll get kicked by PunkBuster.

Author:  L2Phantom [ 17 Dec 2008, 09:18 ]
Post subject:  CoD 4 - Stretching @ 5040 x 1050?

Oh gosh, you got to be kidding me. Seems a bit lame that they would kick you off for something so harmless.

Thank you for the responses though.

Edit: I downloaded the newest one and I'm trying to use it, it says the game is running Yes but when it says fix enabled its always No.. is there a hotkey you have to press or is it auto? Also how do I know what version I have?

Thanks, this is really simple to use otherwise, its awesome.

Author:  dopefish [ 17 Dec 2008, 10:21 ]
Post subject:  CoD 4 - Stretching @ 5040 x 1050?

Check the readme file that it came with. ;) That will tell you how to use it.

As for telling which version of the game you have, I don't know 100%. The console gives you a version number, but it usually doesn't match with the official name of the patch.

If you update the game yourself, then you should know which version you have. If you have it on Steam, then you should automatically have the latest.

Author:  L2Phantom [ 18 Dec 2008, 00:32 ]
Post subject:  CoD 4 - Stretching @ 5040 x 1050?

Wow, this fix is awesome. No wonder people always say to donate to you :) Just too bad the text makes my eyes bleed all stretched, but I can overlook that.

Now if I can just figure out how to update my game I'll be golden , lol. Still version 1.0, but I was able to play multiplayer online fine.

Author:  L2Phantom [ 18 Dec 2008, 04:11 ]
Post subject:  CoD 4 - Stretching @ 5040 x 1050?

Got it updated and the text doesn't stretch anymore, nice! :P

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