Widescreen Gaming Forum

TH2go & FSX
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Author:  bobd [ 05 Jan 2009, 00:51 ]
Post subject:  TH2go & FSX

Any suggestions on what to do with the distorted 2d panels (gps etc.) ?
Adjust as they come up?, resize? or ?


Author:  Yui [ 05 Jan 2009, 05:14 ]
Post subject:  rply

If they are stretched too much they will distort. There's nothing you can do about that. You may have to resize them smaller. What I do is I use a 4th monitor for all 2D panels so they will not be stretched by the triplehead2go and my primary monitors(triplehead2go) would only display the 3D cockpit.

Author:  bobd [ 05 Jan 2009, 05:29 ]
Post subject:  TH2go & FSX

Thanks Yui, I have an extra to try. I guess if I ran the 4th I couldn't run in sli though. I probably be back for more questions.

Author:  RomanKory [ 05 Jan 2009, 06:31 ]
Post subject:  TH2go & FSX

if you wanted to use SLi... you have to pick up a ATI card if you have a 3 slot. Or pick up one of those EVGA external vid boxes.

the reason i say ATI, for those wondering, is that SLi will disable the port on the other video cards. Unless it an ATI card.

Just to add... I know the latest drivers allow you to run 2 cards SLi and a 3 non Sli with added monitors connected. However, when you jump into a 3D application it still shuts now the 3rd card. If its an ATI card is will not be shut down.

if i'm incorrect about this please let me know..

Author:  scavvenjahh [ 05 Jan 2009, 14:14 ]
Post subject:  TH2go & FSX

With the latest drivers you can "focus" SLI on a primary display and use a secondary one. You have to connect both displays to the primary card. No idea if that helps in FSX though.

Author:  bobd [ 05 Jan 2009, 17:14 ]
Post subject:  TH2go & FSX

Thanks guys. I played around last night, & with my setup (gtx 8800) I can't run matrox & 2nd monitor togeather. RomanKory I'll have to look into the evga box as room in my box is tight. I discovered something else while checking setups. I'm seeing VERY little change between sli & non-sli, at least with fsx. All appear to be working correctly. :?

Author:  RomanKory [ 05 Jan 2009, 19:50 ]
Post subject:  TH2go & FSX

From what i remember too... It really didn't take advantage of sli very much. Do you have SP's installed? Without the SP's it does not use MultiCore or SLI. And some people have said that SLI still is not supported.

Another thing of note with FSX, I have read in multiple post that FSX is more CPU bottlenecked then GPU. So even with a top end GPU you wont get great FPS because of that issue. If you jump over to TOMS HARDWARE, you'll see that the test show almost the same FPS from GPU to GPU on the top end.

The F'd up on this one. It was over future proofed. Especially for a game that gets a refreash typically every 2 years or so.

Note about focusing SLi, yes nvidia yes you can choose where to focus SLi, however when in a 3D app. You cannot use the other monitor. It may stay or or turn off. Either way you cannot move the mouse over to it. That is per the SLi website. Don't get me wrong I think its a great feature they added to the drivers.

The one thing i don't understand... I remember reading that it is supposed to work across monitors on game that are multi monitor designed. (ie FSX). So, you should be able to focus SLi on your TH2G and still get that 4th monitor usable. what is contrary to what the other statement says. Anyone have any other info on this?

Author:  bobd [ 05 Jan 2009, 20:37 ]
Post subject:  TH2go & FSX

Yes all is up to date with FSX. I have qx6700 quad, vista with dx10 preveiw. I think fsx runs better for me with that setup over winxp. Thank you for your comments.

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