Widescreen Gaming Forum

edge distortion fix/plugin
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Author:  Racer_S [ 03 Aug 2009, 12:00 ]
Post subject:  edge distortion fix/plugin

after testing the new iRacing triplewide support i had the idea to try to fix the fisheye distortion effect with some other games... i went in photoshop and tried a few filters,notably 'spherize' which seems to correct the edge distortion. I figured, why not make a directx filter that does this in realitime like the Sol7 software, except it will be free.

the only drawbacks I can see if that the overall picture will be zoomed by some degree and it will not be pixel perfect anymore, also hud elements will be distorted as well.

I've already demonstrated it is possible with a proxy dll but i havent written any code that duplicates what the spherize filter in photoshop does yet.

check out these two screenshots, one without filtering, one with...

without spherize

with spherize

Author:  thales100 [ 03 Aug 2009, 12:15 ]
Post subject:  edge distortion fix/plugin

Wow , thats fantastic ! :D

Author:  scavvenjahh [ 03 Aug 2009, 18:15 ]
Post subject:  edge distortion fix/plugin

Exciting stuff indeed, although I don't mind if there's some distortion on the outer edges of my side monitors - but I do mind losing vertical FOV.

Author:  GeneralAdmission [ 03 Aug 2009, 18:46 ]
Post subject:  edge distortion fix/plugin

Wow wow wow! This is fantastic stuff, Racer_S. I would love to play around with such a tool.

Why in the world do the vast majority of 3D games employ a fisheye camera? Humans don't see the world spherically, and it's always made games look a little "off" to me. Is it just easy to program a camera that way?

I could probably adjust to a little Vert FOV loss...considering it's not nearly as bad as most Vert- games in TH. I'm assuming that some/most Vert- hacks/fixes/mods could be tweaked a little to compensate for the filter's effect.

If you get this working well and release it into the wild, I'd say that the top 10 publishers all owe you a graphics card this time. ;) :D

Author:  redgun [ 03 Aug 2009, 21:47 ]
Post subject:  edge distortion fix/plugin

great work. Looks very nice.

however, this edge looks kinda weird. I'm not sure if i would notice that while gaming but in the screen shot it confuses me.

unfortunately a fix like that could only be used in SP games :(

Author:  whismerhill [ 03 Aug 2009, 23:00 ]
Post subject:  edge distortion fix/plugin

nice seems to correct a few discripencies
however the end result is not perfect either
for example the sides of the building on the left are not straight anymore...

and I think a real time effect like that would be rather weird if some straight buildings or other stuff bend on the sides ...

that said it's only my opinion since I'm no TH user anyway ;)

Author:  Ryom [ 04 Aug 2009, 03:21 ]
Post subject:  edge distortion fix/plugin


Author:  MobsterOO7 [ 04 Aug 2009, 04:22 ]
Post subject:  edge distortion fix/plugin

Racer_S, this is very cool. VERY COOL. It's really too bad about the HUD getting borked though.

Now all we need is for some devs to implement something like this.

Author:  BHawthorne [ 04 Aug 2009, 15:41 ]
Post subject:  edge distortion fix/plugin

Doesn't SoftTH have some spherical correction built in? I remember seeing it when I played around with it awhile back in Warhammer Online.

Author:  GeneralAdmission [ 04 Aug 2009, 18:05 ]
Post subject:  edge distortion fix/plugin

Doesn't SoftTH have some spherical correction built in? I remember seeing it when I played around with it awhile back in Warhammer Online.

I just looked at their site the other day. Apparently SoftTH allows you to render extra lines of resolution on either side of the image, essentially displacing the most distorted part of the image outside the visible screen area.

If I'm completely wrong please correct me. :P

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