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 Post subject: Windows 7 Pillarboxing
PostPosted: 04 Aug 2009, 16:54 

Joined: 28 Jan 2008, 21:55
Posts: 8
I've been using the Windows 7 RC with my Triplehead setup for about 2 months now without a hitch until now. Windows 7 used to automatically pillarbox resolutions that were smaller than 38040x1024 for me, it was extremely nice.

Now I don't know what's changed, I haven't changed drivers or settings on my computer but now, its auto stretching every resolution to fill 3840x1024, I can't even play single monitor mode. Normally If I wanted to play "full screen" a game that didn't do Triplehead I would set the res to 1280x1024, and my left and right monitors would turn off, and I would play using just one of my monitors. But now Its just stretching across all 3 monitors, and 1280x1024 stretched across 3 monitors us Fugly.

However, if I set the game to windowed mode, it puts it in a window of the proper size, the moment I say full screen, it stretches across all 3, no matter what resolution. This is with ALL games so far, not just one, (WoW, Mass Effect, Fallout 3, TF2 and Aion) I've also tried exiting PowerDesk to see if that was causing an issue and no dice. Any ideas?


 Post subject: Windows 7 Pillarboxing
PostPosted: 04 Aug 2009, 22:14 

Joined: 28 Jan 2008, 21:55
Posts: 8
I just tried updating my video drivers to the newest 190 ( i have two Geforce 280's) and still same issue.. Also I just tried to change my resolution within Windows to 1280x1024, and it stretches it across all 3, I have no idea what's causing this, since it definitely didn't operate this way before :S

I have the analog Triplehead2go version if that makes a difference, the TH2go unit controls what to do with different resolutions correct? Could the unit be dying? I'll try putting it into a different system later on to see if the same effects take place.

 Post subject: Windows 7 Pillarboxing
PostPosted: 05 Aug 2009, 11:51 
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Joined: 02 Oct 2006, 13:55
Posts: 104
I am having the same issue an example of this is when you run 3Dmark Vantage and set the resolution to 1280x1024 single screen it stretches across all 3 screens...weird

 Post subject: Windows 7 Pillarboxing
PostPosted: 01 Sep 2009, 12:36 

Joined: 28 Jan 2008, 21:55
Posts: 8
Ok guys.. I found a fix for the issue I was describing. I upgraded to the Windows 7 ultimate RTM (I'm a Microsoft Action Pack Subscriber) and I was having the same stretching of lower resolutions, making games that did not support Triplehead2go, impossible to play.

This was Windows 7 at 1280x1024 by default (screenshots won't properly show it because its maintains the pixels <_<)

To fix it, go to the Nvidia control panel and define a custom resolution, I'm assuming this will work with any resolutions that's causing issues, I have only tested it with 1280x1024

After defining the custom resolution, 1280x1024 now works like it used to

Hope this helps peeps~!

 Post subject: Windows 7 Pillarboxing
PostPosted: 25 Sep 2009, 22:26 
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Joined: 02 Oct 2006, 13:55
Posts: 104
Great thanks for the help works a treat :D

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